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【彼前3:7】你们作丈夫的也要按情理和妻子同住(“情理”原文作“知识”),因她比你软弱(“比你软弱”原文作“是软弱的器皿”),与你一同承受生命之恩的,所以要敬重她。这样,便叫你们的祷告没有阻碍。【1 Peter 3:7】Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

发表于 2024-10-20

彼得把妻子与软弱的器皿作比较,正好反映妇女当时的社会地位。无论在丈夫眼中,或是切身的社会遭遇,妇女都是比较软弱的一群。Peter compares women to weaker vessels, which reflects their social status at the time. Whether in the eyes of their husbands or in their societal experiences, women were considered the weaker group. 彼得教导做丈夫如何对待自己的妻子,丈夫所做的一切都不是为着自己,而是为着荣耀神而行。Peter teaches husbands how to treat their wives—everything a husband does is not for himself but to glorify God. 妻子是神所赐,是与自己一同承受生命之恩的,理当竭力抵挡一切的诱惑、试探、私欲,尽丈夫的本分,承担自己的责任,爱妻子就像爱自己的身体,因为妻子比丈夫软弱。Wives are a gift from God, co-heirs of the grace of life. Husbands must resist all temptations, desires, and selfishness, fulfilling their responsibilities, loving their wives as their own bodies, because wives are weaker than husbands.


丈夫和妻子的关系如何,直接显明和神的关系如何,夫妻关系直接影响灵里和神的关系。The relationship between husband and wife directly reflects their relationship with God; the marital relationship has a direct impact on one’s spiritual connection with God. 情感灵里合一,不给撒旦留破口(林前7:3-5) 。Emotional and spiritual unity leaves no room for Satan (1 Cor 7:3-5). 耶稣如何爱教会,丈夫也要如此爱自己的妻子。妻子因爱所感,被敬重,同心起来爱主,顺服丈夫,为丈夫舍命,Just as Jesus loves the Church, husbands are to love their wives. When wives are moved by love and respect, they will join in unity to love the Lord, submit to their husbands, and be willing to lay down their lives for them. 丈夫妻子都尽自己的本分,这个家庭就成为蒙恩蒙福的见证,也成为更多家庭的祝福和榜样。When both husband and wife fulfil their roles, the family becomes a testimony of grace and blessing, serving as a model and blessing to other families.


反之,若丈夫不能像一个敬虔的丈夫尊神为大,无故的自高自大,目中无人眼中无神,偏行己路,不敬重自己的妻子,种什么就收什么,On the other hand, if a husband fails to honour God as a devout husband, becoming proud, disrespectful, and following his own ways, without regard for God or others, he will reap what he sows. 会给自己或家庭带来属灵的后果,它必定会阻碍丈夫的祷告,因心里注重罪孽的,主必不听。Such behaviour brings spiritual consequences to himself and his family, and will inevitably hinder his prayers. The Lord will not listen to those who harbour sin in their hearts. 主啊,是的,我们的祷告能蒙应允,就是遵你的命令行,活出感恩的生命,你是我的骨中骨肉中肉,纪念上帝美好的创造和赐福。Yes, Lord, our prayers are answered when we follow Your commands and live lives of gratitude. You are the bone of my bones, the flesh of my flesh, and we remember Your beautiful creation and blessings.


在神的眼中,夫妻同是神的后嗣,神赐给夫妻同等的福分,因祂牺牲的爱夫妻同得这份宝贵的救恩,同得耶稣基督宝贵的生命,In God’s eyes, both husband and wife are heirs of His grace, equally sharing in His blessings. Through His sacrificial love, both husband and wife receive the precious gift of salvation and the life of Jesus Christ. 这是一件极宝贵的礼物,是神所赐的恩典,我们何等不配。This is a most precious gift, an undeserved grace from God. 因上帝的恩典,一同承受生命之恩,立志要遵行神神的命令行,彼此相爱,丈夫敬重妻子,妻子顺服丈夫,用生命影响生命,荣耀祂的圣名。By His grace, we are joint heirs of the gift of life, and we are determined to follow His commands, love one another, with husbands honouring their wives and wives submitting to their husbands. Let our lives impact others and glorify His holy name.(郭姊妹 Sister Guo


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