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【彼前2:23】他被骂不还口,受害不说威吓的话,只将自己交托那按公义审判人的主。【1 Peter 2:23】When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.

发表于 2024-10-16

当耶稣被捕时,彼得把大祭司仆人的耳朵砍掉了,接下来他三次不认主。When Jesus was arrested, Peter cut off the ear of the high priests servant and later denied Him three times.然而彼得看到了:耶稣被骂还口,受害不说威吓的话,祂没有罪,被苦害的时候,好像将宰的羊默默无声。However, Peter witnessed this: Jesus did not retaliate when He was insulted, and He did not speak threatening words while being tortured. He was without sin. When He was suffering, He remained silent, like a sheep led to the slaughter.耶稣的口里和心里没有怨恨苦毒,还为罪人祈求…耶稣教导我们要爱仇敌,也亲自为我们做了榜样。There was no bitterness in Jesus words or heart, and He prayed for sinners... Jesus taught us to love our enemies, and He Himself set an example for us.


主啊,你是如何做到的呢?你完全信靠天父,只将自己交托那按公义审判人的父。你被定罪,被钉上十字架,天父没有立刻为你伸冤,你仍顺服至死。Lord, how do You do it? You trust Your Heavenly Father completely and entrust Yourself only to the Father who judges righteously. You were condemned and crucified. The Heavenly Father did not immediately avenge You, but You remained obedient until death.第三天你却从死里复活,被升为至高。神的公义必要彰显。最后彼得效法跟随了耶稣的脚,被倒钉十字架,无怨无悔地把自己交托给神。Yet, on the third day, You rose from the dead and were exalted to the highest place. God's righteousness will be revealed. In the end, Peter followed in the footsteps of Jesus, was crucified upside down, and entrusted himself to God without any regrets.


主啊,我的天然人遇到冤屈、辱骂、不公时,会心怀不平,会跳起来跟人争辩、讲理,甚至会恨人、报复,以辱骂还辱骂…求你赦免我,想要自保,却被罪所伤,活在愁苦愤怒中…Lord, when my natural self faces injustice, insult, or wrongdoing, I feel hurt, want to argue, and reason with others. I may even harbour hatred, seek revenge, or respond with insults... Please forgive me, for in trying to protect myself, I have been wounded by sin and lived in sorrow and anger...是耶稣为我舍命,洁净我,饶恕我,医治我,拯救我,今天我要转向你的真理,信你的公义、慈爱、良善…It was Jesus who laid down His life for me, cleansed me, forgave me, healed me, and saved me. Today, I want to turn to Your truth and believe in Your righteousness, love, and goodness...


主啊,当我感到被恶待,正想辩解、论断、计算人的恶,心里翻腾时,求圣灵提醒我,这不是耶稣的心,是我有罪了,Lord, when I feel that I have been treated unfairly and want to defend myself, judge others, and dwell on their wrongdoings, and my heart is in turmoil, I ask the Holy Spirit to remind me that this is not the heart of Jesus, but a reflection of my own sinfulness.圣灵治死我里面自己做神判断善恶的律,使我思想耶稣的拯救,悔改自己的罪,得着耶稣的爱,饶恕、爱仇敌,交托等候神,使身边的人也看到神的作为,归向主。I ask the Holy Spirit to put to death the self-righteousness within me. The law of judging good and evil leads me astray, but may it remind me of Jesus' salvation. Help me repent of my sins, receive the love of Jesus, forgive and love my enemies, and trust in and wait on God, so that those around me may also witness God's works and turn to the Lord. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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