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【彼前2:21】你们蒙召原是为此,因基督也为你们受过苦,给你们留下榜样,叫你们跟随他的脚踪行。【1 Peter 2:21】To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

发表于 2024-10-15

彼得劝勉我们,神呼召我们的目的,原是要我们为行善而受苦,为着神的缘故学习顺服、谦卑、舍己,操练心默默无声,将伸冤的主权交给按公义审判人的主。Peter exhorts us that Gods purpose in calling us is for us to suffer for doing good, to learn obedience, humility, and self-denial for Gods sake, to train our hearts to be silent, and to hand over the sovereignty of justice to those who judge righteously.但人都不喜欢受苦,总是设法逃避苦难,但神说,你们蒙召原是为此,因基督也为你们受过苦,给你们留下榜样,叫你们跟随他的脚行。主耶稣不要我们因犯罪而受苦,但要因行善而受苦。However, no one likes to suffer, and people often try to escape it. Yet God says, “For this you were called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example so that you should follow in His steps.” The Lord Jesus does not want us to suffer for our sins, but for our good deeds.


耶稣基督是神的儿子,你无罪,本不该受苦,但你是为着爱我们这些罪人的缘故,竟然甘愿被钉十字架,受苦痛,受刑罚,义的代替那不义的,Jesus Christ is the Son of God. You are sinless and should not suffer. Yet, out of love for us sinners, You willingly faced crucifixion, endured pain, and accepted punishment. The righteous one takes the place of the unjust.你的爱如此之坚强,到死都不走开,救我们不救自己,为我们做了榜样。主耶稣说:若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我,为要承接祂的使命。Your love is so strong that it never leaves, even unto death; it saves us without saving itself and sets an example for us. The Lord Jesus said, “If anyone wants to follow me, they must deny themselves, take up their cross every day, and follow me,” in order to fulfil His mission.



Lord, as a humble sinner, I feel unworthy of this grace when Your glorious call comes to me. I am willing to respond to Your call and to be a follower of the cross and a servant of the Lord, whether I live or die.求主赦免我们的罪,曾经没有看重这呼召,失去了多少的恩典,今天你还给我们这机会进入命定,要我们跟从你的脚行,主啊,我们愿意以受苦的心志作为兵器,炼净生命,成为你合用的器皿。Please forgive us for our sins; we have not valued this call and have lost much grace. Today, You have given us the opportunity to enter our destiny and asked us to follow in Your footsteps. Lord, we are willing to use our will to suffer as a means to purify our lives and become vessels suitable for You.


主啊,你是生命之道,你为我们做了榜样,叫我们照着你的脚行,十字架就是我们的荣耀。你因担当我们的罪而死在十字架上,为的是要祝福我们,使我们得医治,能在义上活。Lord, You are the Word of Life. You have set an example for us, asking us to follow in Your footsteps. The cross is our glory. You died on the cross to bear our sins in order to bless us, so that we could be healed and live righteously.因信,苦难是祝福,患难是恩典,为要提升我们的信心和忍耐,使我们的生命更像你,成为一粒麦子落下来死了结出更多的果子来荣耀神的名。Because of faith, suffering is a blessing, and it is grace that enhances our faith and patience, making our lives more like Yours. We become a grain of wheat that falls and dies, bearing much fruit to glorify the name of God. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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