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【彼前2:18】你们作仆人的,凡事要存敬畏的心顺服主人;不但顺服那善良温和的,就是那乖僻的也要顺服。【1 Peter2:18】Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.

发表于 2024-10-14

虽然今天不再是奴隶社会,但仍存在着雇主和雇工的关系。Although we no longer live in a slave society, there is still a relationship between employers and employees.原文说,作仆人的,凡事要用十分敬畏的心顺服主人…不管主人是怎样的人,仆人在一切事上,当存着敬畏神,不敢得罪神的心,去顺服主人。The original text says that servants should obey their masters with great reverence in everything… Regardless of what kind of person the master is, servants should obey their masters in all things with a fear of God and a heart that dares not offend God.因为所有的权柄都是神所赐的,神活着,神会照着各人所行的,按着公义施行审判。For all authority is given by God, and God is alive and will judge each person according to their deeds and righteousness.


敬畏神,顺服主人,是我们的本份。至于主人是善良温和,还是乖僻的,神是审判的主。It is our duty to fear God and obey our masters. Whether the master is kind and gentle or difficult and eccentric, God is the Lord of judgement.被卖为奴隶时,主人的妻以目送情给约,但约因敬畏神,不敢作这大恶得罪神。When Joseph was sold as a slave, his master's wife tempted him, but Joseph did not dare commit such a great evil and offend God because he feared God.因此被下到监里,受冤屈,但神是公义的,神与约同在,并把约提起来,成为埃及地的宰相。Joseph was imprisoned and wronged, but God is righteous. God was with Joseph and lifted him up to become the Prime Minister of Egypt.


主,你用宝血买赎了我们,我们称你为主,你是如此地爱我们。Lord, You redeemed us with Your precious blood, and we call You Lord because You love us so much.然而在职场上,我们总定睛老板、上级、权柄人物的不好,心中满了不服、论断、苦毒…自己作了神还不晓得。Yet, in the workplace, we often focus on the negative aspects of our bosses, superiors, and people in authority, filling our hearts with dissatisfaction, judgement, and bitterness… We elevate ourselves without realising it.求主赦免我们正走在背逆神、不顺服神的命令的道上。原来不是因着主人不好,是因着我的肉体是卖给罪的。May the Lord forgive us for walking the path of rebellion against God and disobeying His commands. It turns out that it is not because the master is bad, but because my flesh is sold to sin.


主,感谢你兴起各种环境,来试验我的心,为要除去我的背逆、不服、骄傲、自高、抱怨、不感恩…Lord, thank You for raising various circumstances to test my heart, to remove my rebellion, disobedience, pride, arrogance, complaints, and lack of gratitude…为要让我丧掉自己,信靠神的公义,顺服真理,效法耶稣的谦卑、柔软、顺服,与耶稣的性情有份,在职场上活出荣耀的见证,so that I may lose myself, trust in God's righteousness, obey the truth, imitate Jesus' humility, gentleness, and obedience, share in Jesus' character, and live out a glorious testimony in the workplace.使身边的老板、上级看到神的奇妙作为,也来归向神。May those around me—bosses and superiors—see God's wonderful works and be drawn to Him as well. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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