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【彼前2:11】亲爱的弟兄啊,你们是客旅,是寄居的。我劝你们要禁戒肉体的私欲;这私欲是与灵魂争战的。【1 Peter 2:11】Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.

发表于 2024-10-13

使徒彼得一声亲爱的弟兄啊,就道出了他对神儿女爱心迫切的劝勉,让神儿女深知道自己的身份和使命,The apostle Peter said, "Dear brother," and expressed his deep love and urgent exhortation to God's children, helping them to deeply understand their identity and mission. 是被拣选的族类,君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属神的子民。在地上是客旅是寄居的人,不是属地的而是属天的,They are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people. You are strangers and sojourners on earth, not earthly but heavenly. 在地上的日子要谨慎言行,每天进入属灵争战,体贴圣灵,不体贴肉体,要禁戒肉体的私欲,这私欲是与灵魂争战的。While on earth, you must be mindful of your words and actions. Engage in spiritual warfare every day. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, not the flesh. You must abstain from fleshly desires, as these desires wage war against the soul.


每天都是属灵争战,顺从谁就做谁的奴仆。体贴肉体的,就是与神为仇,体贴肉体的就是死,体贴圣灵的乃是生命平安。Every day is a spiritual battle, and you will be a slave to whomever you obey. To be carnally minded is enmity against God; to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 这些彼得都用生命见证过,如今,他看重心的重要,提醒神儿女要约束自己的心,不放纵私欲,每天存敬畏神的心敬度日。Peter witnessed these truths in his own life. He now emphasises the importance of the heart and urges God’s children to restrain their hearts, avoid indulging in lust, and live godly lives with a heart that fears God every day. 如何以耶稣的目标为我们的目标,以耶稣的使命为我们的使命。不成就自己的意思,只成就父的旨意。How do we make Jesus’ goal our goal and Jesus’ mission our mission? By not fulfilling our own will but only fulfilling the Father’s will.


求主赦免我们爱自己的罪,心无异使命,每天都求自己的事,并不求耶稣基督的事。结局就是生命贫穷。Please forgive us for our sin of loving ourselves, having no vision or mission, and seeking our own interests every day instead of those of Jesus Christ. The result of this is a life of poverty. 主啊,感谢你恩典,借着彼得清楚的告诉我们,我们活在地上是寄居的,是客旅,在地上的日子是为将来去到天上来做预备的,我们真正的家乡是在天上。Lord, thank you for your grace. Through Peter, you have clearly told us that we are sojourners and strangers while we live on earth. Our days on earth are meant to prepare us for our future journey to heaven, our true home. 在活着的日子何等的需要珍惜每一个今天,每一场考试,每天看重和神的关系胜于一切。竭力与肉体和肉体的邪情私欲争战到底。As we live, we need to cherish each day, each test, and value our relationship with God above all else. We must fight to the end against the flesh and its passions and desires.


主啊,你因爱我们,用自己的血救我们脱离罪恶,我们拿什么来报答这份厚恩呢,Lord, because you love us and saved us from our sins with your own blood, how can we repay this kindness? 惟有将生命献上,使我们活着如今不为自己活,乃是为我们死而复活的主活,每一天都如此行,为要纪念你。Only by dedicating our lives, that we may live not for ourselves, but for the One who died and rose again for us. Lord, I do this every day in remembrance of you. 父啊,我的心要归给你,眼目喜悦你的道路,每天心存使命,Father, my heart is yours, my eyes will delight in your ways, and my heart will embrace a mission every day. 效仿你把爱活在伤口,爱你所爱,恨你所恨,珍惜每一次爱的机会,爱仇敌就是天父的儿子了。I will imitate you and live your love through your wounds. I will love what you love and hate what you hate. I will cherish every opportunity to love. Loving our enemies is what makes us children of the Father(郭姊妹Sister Guo).


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