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【彼前1:22】你们既因顺从真理,洁净了自己的心,以致爱弟兄没有虚假,就当从心里彼此切实相爱(“从心鶪”有古卷作“从清洁的心”)。【1 Peter 1:22】Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.

发表于 2024-10-09

彼得强调我们之所以被赎回是倚靠基督的宝血,基督付上死的代价,流出宝血,将我们从罪中赎回来,使我们得着真自由。Peter emphasised that the reason we were redeemed was through the precious blood of Christ. Christ paid the price of death and shed His precious blood to redeem us from sin, so that we can gain true freedom.祂的宝血大有功效,可以洗淨我们心中一切的污秽,使我们能够活出祂的圣洁。彼得再次的宣告:你们既因顺从真理,洁淨了自己的心,以致爱弟兄没有虚假,就当从心里彼此切实相爱。His precious blood is powerful and can cleanse our hearts from all filthiness, enabling us to live out His holiness. Peter declares again: Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth, so that you love your brothers without hypocrisy, love one another truly from the heart.


彼得反复的强调“心和爱”的重要性,要神儿女定准耶稣这宝贵的救恩和这标杆,耶稣舍命大爱救活了我们,我们白白得来也要白白给出去,Peter repeatedly emphasised the importance of "heart and love," urging God's children to set their sights on the precious salvation and example of Jesus. Jesus sacrificed His life and great love to save us. We have received freely, and we must give freely to make this love a reality.使这份爱永不枯竭,成为爱的活泉,就需要我们每天用真理来洁净我们的心,时时审判自己,除去两样的砝码,脱离假冒为善,活出真实的信仰,从心里切实彼此相爱。To ensure that love never runs dry and becomes a living spring, we need to use the truth to purify our hearts every day, constantly examine ourselves, remove double standards, get rid of hypocrisy, live out true faith, and love one another genuinely from the heart.


神的命令,就是让我们彼此的、切实的去相爱,这也要是从心里作,因我们的心是因信从了真理而被洁净了。真理使我们得真自由。以前被谎言欺骗,都是以自“我”为中心,索取别人的爱,完全是得的生命,关注的全都是这个我,Gods command is for us to love each other sincerely and truly, and this must come from the heart, as our hearts are purified by believing in and obeying the truth. The truth makes us truly free. In the past, when I was deceived by lies, I was always self-centred, seeking the love of others for my own gain, focusing solely on myself.到最后,伤的体无完肤的还是自己。当被真理更新后,实行施比受更为有福, 看别人比自己更宝贵,切实的彼此相爱,就得了满足。 In the end, I was the one who was deeply hurt. After being renewed by the truth, I now see that it is more blessed to give than to receive, to consider others more valuable than myself, and to truly love one another—and in this, you will find true satisfaction.


挚爱的主,我们感谢你,如果不是你怜悯我们,我们又算得了什么。我们若连看得见的弟兄都不爱,怎能爱看不见的神呢?Beloved Lord, we thank You. Without Your mercy, we would be nothing. If we do not love our visible brothers, how can we love the invisible God?彼得用爱心来劝勉,我们已经顺从真理,也就是用你的话语来束上我们心思意念的腰带,靠著基督的宝血来洁净我们的心,使我们可以活出你的圣洁,Peter exhorted us with love, reminding us that we have obeyed the truth by girding our hearts and minds with Your word, and relying on the precious blood of Christ to purify our hearts, so we can live out Your holiness.爱你所爱,恨你所恨,效仿我的主,把爱活在伤口,带著牺牲舍己的爱去彼此切实相爱,众人就认出我们是你的门徒了。Help us to love what You love, hate what You hate, and imitate You, my Lord, by living out love through Your wounds. Let us love one another truly with sacrificial love, so that everyone will know we are Your disciples. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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