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【彼前1:24-25】因为凡有血气的,尽都如草;他的美荣都像草上的花。草必枯干,花必凋谢;惟有主的道是永存的。所传给你们的福音就是这道。 【1 Peter1:24-25】For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you.

发表于 2024-10-08

从旧约到新约,神在告诉我们人生的实质:凡有血气的,尽都如草;人的美荣就像草上的花,看起来有些灿烂,结局也如同草和花一样转眼就枯干凋谢。From the Old Testament to the New Testament, God reveals the essence of life: All flesh is like grass; the beauty of humankind is like the flowers of the field, appearing briefly, and its end is as fleeting as the grass and the flowers. 我们赔上生命,追求世界上的财富、成功、荣耀、享乐…即使得着了,转眼之间,仍然归于无有。They wither and fade. We sacrifice our lives in the pursuit of wealth, success, glory, and pleasure in this world... Even if we gain them, they are gone in the blink of an eye. 一切都是虚空,一切都是捕风!Everything is vanity, everything is like chasing the wind!


人生的意义是什么?短暂的几十年,受尽各种苦楚,最后归于坟墓,死后还要面临审判,这样的人生有什么盼望呢?What is the meaning of life? In just a few short decades, we endure all kinds of suffering, only to end up in the grave, facing judgment after death. What hope is there in such a life? 好消息是:我们本是如草一样等候被焚烧,因着耶稣的舍命流血,得了重生,罪得赦免,人生有了真实的盼望和意义。The good news is: we are like grass awaiting the fire. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice and the shedding of His blood, we are reborn, our sins are forgiven, and our lives gain real hope and meaning. 主啊,我感谢赞美你!你有永生之道,我还跟从谁呢?Lord, I thank and praise you! You have the way to eternal life—who else should I follow?


主,你的道是永存的!你的话永不更改!圣灵,求你释放出亮光,使我们真知道:这世界和其上的情欲都要过去,惟独遵行神旨意的是永远常存。Lord, your word endures forever! Your word never changes! Holy Spirit, please release your light so that we can truly understand that this world and its desires will pass away, but those who do the will of God will live forever. 主啊,求你赦免我多少年来,为追求这世界上虚假短暂的荣耀,顺从各种肉体的情欲,眼目的情欲,今生的骄傲,Lord, please forgive me for the years I have spent chasing after the false and fleeting glories of this world, following the lusts of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. 却落在咒诅之下,没有平安喜乐满足…I have fallen under the curse and have found no peace, joy, or satisfaction.


主,这一生,你救赎我,我是属你的,求你掌管我,思想自己和众人的结局,脱离活在人前,Lord, you have redeemed me in this life; I belong to you. Please take control of me, help me reflect on my own life and the lives of others, to break free from living for the approval of others. 弃绝世界虚假的谎言,转向你的救恩,活在信实公义慈爱的神面前!Help me to turn away from the lies of this world, to embrace your salvation, and to live in faithfulness and righteousness in the presence of a loving God! 帮助我,信而遵行你的道,为神的国和义祈求,为存到永恒的荣耀而甘心丧掉自己, 一生讨你喜悦,不负你的恩情,可以坦然见主。Help me believe and obey your word, to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, to willingly sacrifice myself for the glory that will last forever, to please you all my life, to live up to your kindness, and to see the Lord with confidence.(付传道 Pastor Fu) 


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