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【彼前1:7】叫你们的信心既被试验,就比那被火试验仍然能坏的金子更显宝贵,可以在耶稣基督显现的时候,得着称赞、荣耀、尊贵。【1 Peter1:7 】These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

发表于 2024-10-04

金子要被烈火熬炼,除去渣滓和杂质,得着更加光亮纯净的金子。只是金子仍然会坏。Gold must be refined by fire to remove dross and impurities, resulting in purer, brighter gold. However, even gold will perish. 而被试验过的信心,可以在耶稣基督显现的时候,得着称赞、荣耀、尊贵。这是存到永远的,比金子更宝贵! A tested faith, though, can bring praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. This faith endures forever and is more valuable than gold!  信心被试验,不是在平安无事的时候,而是狂风巨浪中,内心的反应显明我们信心的程度。Faith is tested not in times of peace, but in the midst of storms, where our inner response reveals the strength of our faith.

过红海的信心,是初级的信心,不能使以色列人在难处中歌唱。The faith to cross the Red Sea is a basic faith; it does not enable the Israelites to sing in times of trouble. 过约旦河的信心,是冒死仍信神的应许的信心。最高的信心是像耶稣那样:The faith to cross the Jordan River, however, is a faith that holds on to God’s promises even at the risk of death. The highest form of faith is like that of Jesus: 相信神凡事都能,可以把苦杯挪去,然而不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思,顺服至死。believing that God can do all things, even remove the cup of suffering, yet saying, “Not my will, but Yours be done,” submitting even unto death. 最高的信心是像但以理的三个朋友,即或不然,神不救我,我仍信祂。The highest faith is like that of Daniel’s three friends who said, “Even if not, even if God does not save me, I will still trust Him.”

主啊,感谢你兴起考试,不是为了毁坏我们的信心,而是让我们认识自己到底在信什么。Lord, I thank You for bringing tests into my life, not to destroy my faith, but to reveal what I truly believe. 平时我说我信神凡事都能,信神是良善的…但是遇到试验的环境,直接就抱怨、惧怕、灰心、绝望…I often say I believe that You can do all things and that You are good… Yet when trials come, I respond with complaints, fear, discouragement, and despair. 一被试验,才发现考试中是坍塌的,原来信的是自己的眼见耳闻,世界的谎言…是不信神的。It is in these tests that I realize my faith crumbles; I was trusting in what I could see and hear, in the world’s lies… revealing my lack of trust in You.

主,求你赦免我的不信,导致生命时常在动摇之中,没有平安。Lord, forgive my unbelief that often leaves my life shaken and without peace. 惟有把信心的锚抛向你,对你的真信心可以使我们在风浪中站立。Only by anchoring my faith in You can I stand firm in the storms. 圣灵,求你帮助我们警醒预备,在考试中,弃绝谎言和不信,宣告相信你是谁,信你的话,Holy Spirit, help me to be watchful and prepared, to reject lies and unbelief during times of testing, and to declare my faith in who You are and in Your Word. 使我们因信冒死顺服真理,得着灵魂的拯救,得着从神来的称赞、荣耀和尊贵。Grant me the courage to obey the truth even at the risk of my life, so that I may receive the salvation of my soul, and the praise, glory, and honor that come from God.(付传道 Pastor Fu)


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