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【撒下24:24上】王对亚劳拿说:“不然,我必要按着价值向你买,我不肯用白得之物作燔祭,献给耶和华我的神。” 【2 Samuel 24:24a】But the king replied to Araunah, “No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen and paid fifty shekels of silver for them.

发表于 2024-10-03

当大卫因数点人数的事惹神的忿怒后,他按先知迦得的话在耶布斯人亚劳拿的禾场为耶和华神筑了一座坛,好使瘟疫能够止息。When David provoked God's wrath by counting the people, he built an altar to the Lord God on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, as directed by the prophet Gad, so that the plague could be stopped. 亚劳拿是认识神的人,王所需要的他都愿意献上,并且祈祷神能悦纳大卫王的献祭,Araunah was a man who knew God. He was willing to offer whatever the king needed and prayed that God would accept King David’s sacrifice. 但大卫说:“不然,我必要按着价值向你买,我不肯用白得之物作燔祭,献给耶和华我的神。” But David said, “No, I will buy it from you for the full price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing.”


大卫王强调他不肯用白得之物献给他的神,他爱神,敬畏神,要把最好的献给神,King David emphasised that he would not give anything to God that came without cost. He loved and feared God and wanted to give his best to God. 他本是王,他可以直接使用他的权柄得到这块地,但他爱神爱人,尊神为大,尊重人,以全价给亚劳拿买了禾场和牛,Though he was a king and could have used his authority to take the land, he chose instead to act with love for God and respect for others. David bought the threshing floor and oxen from Araunah at full price. 这个禾场是被上帝拣选的地方,蒙神喜悦,神大大使用这个禾场。因大卫明白父神的心,行在父神的旨意里,瘟疫就止住了。This threshing floor was chosen by God and was pleasing to Him. God used this place greatly. Because David understood God's heart and acted according to His will, the plague was stopped.


主耶和华啊,求主赦免我们忘恩作恶的罪,把这份救恩当作廉价的,不珍惜你所付上极大的代价。Lord God, please forgive us for the sin of being ungrateful, treating this salvation as cheap, and failing to appreciate the great price You paid. 信主多年,不知感恩,甚至觉得理所当然,这真是我们的罪了。Though we have believed in the Lord for many years, we often become ungrateful and take Your grace for granted. This is truly our sin. 你背负我们的罪孽,担当我们的痛苦。主啊,这份救恩何等的宝贵,你把最珍贵的独生爱子赐给了我们,他受鞭伤使我们得医治,他受刑罚使我们得平安,他受咒诅我们得祝福。You bore our sins and carried our pains. Lord, how precious this salvation is. You gave us Your most treasured Son. He was beaten so we could be healed, punished so we could have peace, and cursed so we could be blessed.


他因爱我们,用自己的血救我们脱离罪恶,使我们有永活的盼望。主啊,我们的生命不再属于我们自己,乃是属于你,Because of His love for us, He used His own blood to save us from sin and give us eternal hope. Lord, our lives no longer belong to us, but to You. 感谢主借着大卫给我们做了榜样,不用白得之物献祭,而是把自己当作活祭献给神,敬畏神,尊神为大,纪念你为我们所付出的巨大代价,Thank You for the example You have set through David. We are not called to offer sacrifices of things that cost us nothing, but to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God, in fear and reverence. God, we magnify You, and we remember the great price You paid for us. 就在此时此刻,转道,用生命中的每一瞬间来爱神、渴慕神,并竭力遵行你的一切旨意,在凡事上讨你的喜悦。May we turn to You at this moment, and use every moment of our lives to love You, desire You, and strive to obey Your will in all things, that we might please You.


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