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【撒下24:17】大卫看见灭民的天使,就祷告耶和华说:“我犯了罪,行了恶;但这群羊做了什么呢?愿你的手攻击我和我的父家。”【2Sa 24:17】When David saw the angel who was striking down the people, he said to the LORD , "I am the one who has sinned and done wrong. These are but sheep. What have they done? Let your hand fall upon me and my family."

发表于 2024-10-02

大卫因犯罪导致百姓七万人死亡,原本神的心意是要毁灭耶路撒冷,到最后时刻,神显出慈爱和怜悯吩咐灭民的天使住手。David's sin resulted in the death of 70,000 people. God's original intention was to destroy Jerusalem, but at the last moment, God showed love and mercy and ordered the angel who was destroying the people to stop.大卫看到灭民的天使,就祷告耶和华说:“我犯了罪,行了恶;但这群羊做了什么呢?愿你的手攻击我和我的父家。” When David saw the angel who was destroying the people, he prayed to the Lord and said, "I have sinned and done evil; but what have these sheep done? Let Your hand be against me and against my father's house." 这祷告摸到神的心意,当时神就藉着迦得告诉他,你到亚劳拿的禾场那里,为耶和华筑一个坛,在那里献祭。This heartfelt prayer moved God. He spoke to David through Gad, saying: Go to the threshing floor of Araunah, build an altar to the Lord, and offer sacrifices there.


他谦卑的领受先知的指示,立刻亲自到亚劳拿的禾场,买下禾场为耶和华神筑坛,献祭,祷告,使民间的瘟疫止住。David humbly accepted the prophet's instructions and immediately went to Araunah's threshing floor in person. He bought the threshing floor, built an altar for the Lord God, offered sacrifices, and prayed to stop the plague among the people.大卫急切的认罪悔改,情真意切,爱民如子,愿意承担一切后果,该受审判的是他,不是百姓,他求神怜悯百姓。主啊,忧伤痛悔的心你必不轻看,承认并离弃的必蒙怜恤。David eagerly confessed his sins and repented; he was sincere, loved his people like a father, and was willing to bear all the consequences. He knew he was the one who deserved to be judged, not the people, and he asked God to have mercy on them. Lord, You will not despise a broken and contrite heart, but You will have mercy on those who confess and forsake their sins.   


主啊,这是何等严厉和重要学习的功课,求主使我们记住这惨痛的教训,不以这日的事为小。大卫个人的罪将审判带到整个以色列。Lord, this is such a serious and important lesson to learn. Please help us remember this painful lesson and not take the matters of today lightly. David's personal sin brought judgment upon all of Israel.我们常常信了谎言,轻看罪的权势,这也没关系,那也无所谓,认为自己的不顺服、不饶恕是我们自己的事情,跟别人没有关系。却不晓得,一念之间就让自己和家庭,团体、教会陷入生死之间。亚干个人犯罪,却使以色列全军覆没。We often believe lies and underestimate the power of sin, thinking, "It doesn't matter." We believe that our disobedience and unforgiveness are our own business and have nothing to do with others. Little did we realise that with just one thought, we, our families, our groups, and our churches could be caught between life and death. Achan's personal sin resulted in the destruction of the entire army of Israel.


丰盛怜悯的主,我们赞美你,你的作为难以测度,你的公义长存,你的爱如此深切,这让我们明白你虽然要惩治罪恶,却满有恩典与怜悯,你愿意赦免人的罪,接纳每一个悔并且改的人。Lord of abundant mercy, we praise you. Your deeds are unfathomable, your righteousness endures, and your love is so deep. This makes us understand that although you punish sins, you are full of grace and mercy. You are willing to forgive people. Sin accepts everyone who repents and changes.感谢主还存留我们的气息,留给我们机会,认识到自己一切的不是,愿意把自己交在你手里,得你惩治而觉醒,靠你恩典而重新得力。Thank you Lord for still retaining our breath, leaving us with the opportunity to realize all our shortcomings, and being willing to put ourselves in your hands, to be punished by you and awakened, and to regain our strength through your grace. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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