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【撒下23:17】说:“耶和华啊,这三个人冒死去打水,这水好像他们的血一般,我断不敢喝。”如此大卫不肯喝。这是三个勇士所做的事。【2 Samuel23:17】“Far be it from me, LORD , to do this!” he said. “Is it not the blood of men who went at the risk of their lives?” And David would not drink it. Such were the exploits of the three mighty warriors.

发表于 2024-10-01

大卫的临终之言中,一一数点那些曾与他一同出死入生的勇士。In David's final words, he recounted the names of the mighty warriors who had risked their lives with him in battle. 当大卫想喝家乡伯利恒城门旁的井水时,有三个勇士冒死打了水。When David expressed a desire to drink water from the well near the gate of his hometown, Bethlehem, three of these warriors broke through enemy lines to draw the water for him.  大卫的心深深被触动,他说:这水好像他们的血一般,我断不敢喝。Deeply moved, David said, "This water is as precious as their blood; I dare not drink it." 三个勇士看重大卫的心愿,甘心冒着生命危险去打水。大卫也看重他们的生命,把水浇奠在神的面前。The three warriors valued David's wish so much that they willingly risked their lives to fetch the water. In return, David honored their sacrifice by pouring the water out as an offering before the Lord.

这些勇士被纪念,不仅是因着他们的勇敢,更是因着他们舍生忘死的忠心,甘心舍命,只为成就首领大卫的心意。他们也与大卫建立了生死之交的关系。These warriors are remembered not only for their bravery but also for their selfless loyalty, willing to lay down their lives to fulfill the desires of their leader, David. They forged a bond of life and death with him. 主啊,你是我的主,我的王,你却甘心流血舍命,救赎我,我吃了你的肉,喝了你的血,岂不当来体恤你这位王的心意?Lord, you are my Lord and my King, yet you willingly shed your blood and laid down your life to redeem me. As I partake of your flesh and drink of your blood, should I not, in turn, seek to understand and fulfill the desires of your heart?

马利亚打破香膏倾倒在主脚前,叫主的心得着安慰。Mary broke the alabaster jar and poured the ointment on the Lord’s feet, bringing comfort to His heart. 历世历代,许多如云彩般的见证人,为着耶稣甘心舍命舍己的行动,深深触动主的心。耶和华看圣民之死极为宝贵!阿们!Throughout the ages, many witnesses, like a cloud of testimony, have touched the Lord's heart deeply by their willingness to lay down their lives and deny themselves for Jesus' sake. The death of His saints is precious in the sight of the Lord! Amen! 主啊,你呼召我们丧掉自己之前,你先舍了自己。你叫我们与你同死,为使我们得着复活的生命!Lord, before you called us to deny ourselves, you first laid down your own life. You call us to die with you, that we might receive the power of resurrection life!

主,求你赦免我的自我中心,爱自己,顺从私欲,落在咒诅之下…Lord, forgive my self-centeredness, my love for myself, and my submission to fleshly desires that have led me under a curse... 你为我而死,我要为你而活!圣灵啊,求你时时提醒我,信而呼求你,顺服你的真理,丧掉自己,将你从我心中举起!You died for me, and I will live for you! Holy Spirit, I ask that you continually remind me to believe and call upon you, to obey your truth, and to deny myself, that you may be exalted in my heart! 主,你的爱激励我们,甘心死了自己,只愿你的心意成就,使我们成为大能的勇士,为你而去。Lord, your love compels us to die to ourselves willingly, that your will may be accomplished. Make us mighty warriors who go forth for your sake. (付传道 Pastor Fu)


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