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【撒下23:10】他起来击杀非利士人,直到手臂疲乏,手粘住刀把。那日耶和华使以色列人大获全胜,众民在以利亚撒后头专夺财物。【2 Samuel 23:10】but Eleazar stood his ground and struck down the Philistines till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword. The Lord brought about a great victory that day. The troops returned to Eleazar, but only to strip the dead.

发表于 2024-09-29

非利士人与以色列人征战,当众军兵撤退后,以利亚撒自告奋勇迎战,击杀他们,直到手粘住刀把,The Philistines fought against the Israelites. When the soldiers retreated, Eleazar volunteered to fight and killed so many that his hand became stuck to the sword’s handle. 神看重他的信心与勇气就赐下胜利,那日耶和华使以色列人大获全胜,众民在以利亚撒后头专夺财物。God valued his faith and courage and granted victory. That day, the Lord made the Israelites strong. A complete victory was achieved, and the people followed Eleazar to claim the spoils. 经上说,耶和华看圣民之死极为宝贵,他们为神的荣耀不爱自己,宁可牺牲自己的生命,只愿神的旨意成就,The Bible says the death of the saints is extremely precious in the eyes of the Lord. They do not cherish their own lives for the glory of God, but would rather sacrifice themselves so that His will may be fulfilled. 这在神眼中看为宝贵,神称他们为勇士。This is precious in God’s sight, and He calls them warriors.


他在主面前至死忠心,带着神的使命争战,直到手臂疲乏,粘住刀把,不将仇敌灭绝总不归回,He remained loyal to the Lord until death, fighting for God's mission until his arms were weary and stuck to his sword. He would not return until he had defeated the enemy. 神因他的忠心、勇敢、不放弃,祝福以色列人。那日耶和华使以色列人大获全胜。God blessed the Israelites because of his loyalty, courage, and persistence. That day, the Lord gave the Israelites a great victory. 因为他勇敢、不妥协,坚守住他的岗位,整个局面被扭转过来,见证神的得胜。His bravery, steadfastness, and unwavering stance turned the tide, revealing God’s triumph. 因他尊神为大,蒙神纪念和称许,百姓们也因他而蒙福,反败为胜。Because he exalted God, he was remembered and praised by Him, and the people were blessed through him, turning defeat into victory.


主啊,你在天上察看有寻求的没有,有明白的没有,Lord, You look down from heaven to see if there is anyone seeking You, anyone who understands. 当你兴起各样的试炼考试,你要训练我们成为那真正爱你的,真正懂你心的,以神国荣耀为大的人,你要在那信的人身上显大能和神迹。When You raise various trials and tests, You train us to be those who truly love You, who understand Your heart, and who magnify the glory of Your kingdom. You will show Your power and miracles to those who believe. 感谢主,以利亚撒为我们做了榜样,在危难之际,爱神不爱自己的心志,Thank you, Lord, for Eleazar, who set an example for us. In times of crisis, he loved God more than his own will.他坚守到最后,手臂疲乏,粘住刀把,神都看见了,那日耶和华使以色列人大获全胜。He persevered until the end, his arms weary and stuck to the sword’s handle. God saw it. That day, the Lord brought great gain to the Israelites—total victory.


主啊,谢谢你把我们放在得胜的地位上,在这末后黑暗的时代,立定心志,不做逃兵,不当败将,Lord, thank You for placing us in a position of victory. In these dark times, we must be determined not to be deserters or defeated generals. 我们愿意效仿这些不以自己性命为念的勇士,带着使命往前走,献上自己成为活祭,在神家全然尽忠,We are willing to imitate these warriors who care not for their own lives and move forward with the mission, offering ourselves as living sacrifices, being completely loyal to the house of God, 竭力追求,勇敢站出来,堵住教会的破口,打那美好的胜仗,为神的家、神的名、神的荣耀,为神的心意赢得更多人的灵魂。pursuing with all our strength, standing bravely, blocking the breach in the church, and fighting the good fight—for the house of God, the name of God, the glory of God, and the will of God, winning more souls.


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