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【撒下23:5】我家在神面前并非如此,神却与我立永远的约。这约凡事坚稳,关乎我的一切救恩和我一切所想望的,他岂不为我成就吗?【2 Samuel23:5】“If my house were not right with God, surely he would not have made with me an everlasting covenant, arranged and secured in every part; surely he would not bring to fruition my salvation and grant me my every desire.

发表于 2024-09-27

这是大卫的临终之言,并不是出于他自己,而是从神而来的预言。These are the final words of David, not spoken from himself, but as a prophecy from God. 大卫年少时,不被父母重视,却被神所拣选。被膏立作王之后,迎接他的却是逃亡。In his youth, David was overlooked by his parents, yet chosen by God. After being anointed king, he faced a life of exile. 但神的应许没有落空,神使大卫降卑,又使他得居高位,成为以色列的王。However, God's promises never failed. God humbled David, then exalted him, making him king over Israel. 虽然大卫和他的家并不完全,神却与他立永远的约!Though David and his household were not perfect, God established an everlasting covenant with him!

神应许必坚定大卫后裔的国位,直到永远。大卫在人生终点时,对神的信心达到最高峰,没有看见却是完全相信:这约凡事坚稳。God promised to establish the throne of David's descendants forever. At the end of his life, David’s faith in God reached its highest point—he fully believed in what he had not yet seen: that this covenant would stand firm in all things. 大卫一生信靠神,尊主为大,照神的旨意行,不求地上的财富权势,只求醒来的时候得着神自己…Throughout his life, David trusted in God, magnified the Lord, and walked according to His will. He did not seek earthly wealth or power, but only desired to behold God Himself when he awoke…关乎他的一切救恩和他一切所想望的,神必成就。All concerning his salvation and every hope he had, God would surely fulfill.

大卫之约最终成就在耶稣基督的身上。因耶稣的舍命流血,神与我们立定圣约,永不更改。The Davidic covenant was ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice and the shedding of His blood, God established a holy covenant with us, never to be altered. 主啊,感谢赞美你浩大的救恩,使我们这些外邦人有份于这约。Lord, we thank and praise You for Your great salvation, allowing us Gentiles to partake in this covenant. 主,纵然我们多少次失信,毁约,离弃你,你却永远信实可靠,你是守约施慈爱的神。Even though we have failed, broken the covenant, and turned away from You many times, You remain faithful and true. You are the God who keeps covenant and shows steadfast love. 大卫完成了一生的使命。主啊,帮助我们得着这约的实际。David fulfilled the mission of his life. Lord, help us to partake in the reality of this covenant.

主啊,你的旨意无人能够拦阻,仇敌也不能拦阻,因你是得胜的君王。主啊,照你的旨意祈求,你必成就!Lord, no one can thwart Your will, not even the enemy, for You are the victorious King. When we pray according to Your will, You will surely accomplish it!  感谢你训练我们,因你的大能,我们不灰心,不丧胆,弃绝不信与怀疑,以你的心为心,竭尽全力与罪争战,Thank You for training us. By Your great power, we do not lose heart or grow weary. We renounce unbelief and doubt, aligning our hearts with Yours. We strive with all our strength to battle sin and the evil one.  与那恶者争战,使我们一生别无所求,只愿你的旨意成就,你的国度降临,愿人都尊你的名为圣,愿全地尊崇敬拜你!May we seek nothing else in life but the fulfillment of Your will and the coming of Your kingdom. Let all people honor Your name as holy. May the whole earth revere and worship You! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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