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【撒下22:47】耶和华是活神。愿我的磐石,被人称颂;愿神,那拯救我的磐石,被人尊崇。【2Sa 22:47】The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior!

发表于 2024-09-25

大卫祷告时,神听了他的呼求。在急难中,神救他脱离死亡,为他伸冤,使他胜过仇敌,使他被高举…大卫在患难中信靠神,更深经历神,认识神,更深得着神,也被神得着。When David prayed, God heard his cry. In times of crisis, God saved him from death, avenged him, helped him overcome his enemies, and lifted him up... David trusted God in his troubles, experienced God more deeply, knew God, gained more of God, and was himself gained by God.大卫发出赞美:耶和华是又真又活的神!愿万国万民都来认识我的神,祂配得全地来尊崇敬拜祂。David praised: The Lord is the true and living God! May all nations and peoples come to know my God. He is worthy of being revered and worshipped by the whole earth.


大卫在深处中经历神的真实,与神建立亲密的关系。我们的主,耶稣基督,曾道成肉身来到地上,祂为我们的罪而死,第三天祂却从死里复活!David experienced the reality of God in a deep way and established an intimate relationship with God. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, came to earth in the flesh, died for our sins, and rose from the dead on the third day!那空坟墓告诉我们耶稣复活了!每一次祷告遇见神,生命的每一个更新,经历的每一次拯救,如云彩般的见证人…让我们确知:神是真的,祂活着!The empty tomb tells us that Jesus is resurrected! Every time we pray and encounter God, every renewal of life, every salvation we experience, the clouds of witnesses... let us know for sure: God is real and He is alive!


阿们!回顾过往的年日,我们的神何等真实,一次次垂听祷告,救我们脱离罪恶和死亡,不丢弃我们!祂是永活的救主!祂活着,祂全知全能,祂所行的奇事何其多!Amen! Looking back over the past years, how real our God is—answering our prayers time and time again, saving us from sin and death, and never abandoning us! He is the living Saviour! He is alive, He is omniscient and omnipotent, and He has done so many wonders!因祂活着,祂掌管万有,掌管我的生命,我可以胜过惧怕,充满盼望地面对明天。神是稳固的磐石,拯救的磐石,信实可靠,我的心要快快来投靠祂!Because He lives and controls all things, including my life, I can overcome fear and face tomorrow with hope. God is the solid rock, the rock of salvation, faithful and reliable. My heart must quickly take refuge in Him!


主啊,你何等愿意我们像大卫一样跟你建立这样深厚坚固的亲密关系!我的心要寻求更多认识你得着你。Lord, how You desire for us to develop a deep and strong intimate relationship with You, just like David did! My heart seeks to know You more and to gain more of You.主啊,帮助我在艰难困苦中,效法大卫信靠你的公义慈爱,呼求你,弃绝一切的想象,惧怕,不信,遵行你的命令,活出爱的生命,使身边的人也看到你的荣耀大能,一同来敬拜尊崇你!Lord, help me to follow David’s example by trusting in Your righteousness and love amidst hardships, calling on You, abandoning all imagination, fear, and unbelief, obeying Your commands, living a life of love, and empowering those around me. May I also see Your glory and power, and come together with others to worship and honour You! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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