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【撒下22:38】我追赶我的仇敌,灭绝了他们,未灭以先,我没有归回。【2Sa22:38】“I pursued my enemies and crushed them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed.

发表于 2024-09-24

大卫一生坎坷,经历各种的困境,无数次生命危险的临到,David had a rough life, experiencing all kinds of difficulties and facing countless life-threatening situations.在仇敌的威吓、追杀、咒骂和毁谤之下的考试,他信心坚定,我追赶我的仇敌,灭绝了他们,未灭以先,我没有归回。He was tested by the intimidation, pursuit, curses, and slander of his enemies. He had a firm faith, “I pursued my enemies and crushed them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed.”他知道是属灵争战,只看神,不看人,不看环境,坚定的倚靠神冲入敌军,跳过墙垣,不单胜过了仇敌的攻击,还得胜有余。He understood that it was a spiritual battle, focusing only on God rather than on people or circumstances. He relied on God to charge into the enemy camp and leap over walls. Not only did he defeat the enemy's attacks, but he also achieved far more than victory.


大卫因着信,神就做大卫的磐石,坚固的保障,安全的避难所。而且神使大卫的脚快如母鹿的蹄,又使他在高处安稳,用神的温和使他为大。Because of David's faith, God became his rock, a solid defence, and a safe refuge. Moreover, God made David's feet like the feet of a deer, caused him to stand on the heights, and God’s help hadmade him great.神与大卫同在,他在争战中得胜,仇敌都服在他以下。有的还要加添,大卫坚定的倚靠神,他的路越走越宽阔,越走越满了神的能力和得胜。God was with David, granting him victory in battle, with all his enemies beneath him. More will be added to this. David's steadfast reliance on God widened his path, filling him increasingly with God’s power and victory.


是的,属灵争战是何等的残酷,仇敌如同吼叫的狮子遍地游行寻找可吞吃的人,Indeed, spiritual warfare is brutal. The enemy is like a roaring lion, prowling around looking for someone to devour.多少时候我们因怕痛、怕苦,不愿意背十字架,结果失丧生命了,与神隔绝,苦不堪言。How many times have we feared pain and suffering, unwilling to bear the cross, resulting in loss of life, separation from God, and unspeakable suffering?争战是需要付上代价,不争战代价付的更大,我们到底做撒旦的食物,还是撒旦做我们的食物。Fighting requires a price, and not fighting incurs an even greater cost. Are we to be Satan's prey, or is Satan our prey?主啊,我不再自保,愿意效仿大卫无所畏惧,倚靠神过争战得胜的日子,主动积极地进入战场,击杀每一个仇敌。Lord, I will no longer shield myself. I am willing to emulate David's fearlessness, relying on God to fight and win, taking the initiative to enter the battlefield and vanquish every enemy.


主啊,我们倚靠你才得施展大能,因为践踏我们敌人的就是你。Lord, we depend on You to display our strength, for it is You who trample on our enemies.在每一个试炼考试中,被训练成大能的勇士,坚定的倚靠神,不灰心不丧胆,不看困难有多大,而是看我们的神多么的伟大。In every trial and test, we are trained to be powerful warriors, firmly relying on God, not losing heart or courage, and not focusing on the magnitude of difficulties but on the greatness of our God.因信,建立信心的根基,不畏惧黑暗权势,坚定于救恩磐石,支取从天上的能力,攻破仇敌的诡计,向仇敌夸胜。Through faith, we establish a solid foundation, fearing not the power of darkness, and standing firm on the rock of salvation. We draw strength from heaven, dismantling the enemy's schemes, and boasting in victory over the foe.因你应许:与基督一同受苦就与你一同得荣耀,与你同死必一同复活。For You promised: If indeed we share in Christ’s sufferings in order that we may also share in Yourglory; if we die with You, we will be also raised with You.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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