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【撒下22:35】他教导我的手能以争战,甚至我的膀臂能开铜弓。【2Sa 22:35】He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

发表于 2024-09-23

大卫在旷野多少次经过死荫的幽谷,因着信,他经历了神的拯救,更深认识到:神是我的盾牌,是我的磐石,是我坚固的保障…David passed through the valley of the shadow of death many times in the wilderness. Through faith, he experienced Gods salvation and came to a deeper understanding: God is my shield, my rock, and my strong protection...神使我在高处安稳,祂教导我的手能以争战,甚至我的膀臂能开铜弓…大卫并没有靠自己的力量争战,他深知神是他力量的源头,是他得胜的根源。God sets me securely on high places. He taught me that my hands can fight, and even my arms can draw a bronze bow... David did not rely on his own strength to fight. He knew that God was the source of his strength and the source of his victory.


借着困境,大卫在寻求等候中,在冒险的信靠中,被神训练、教导成为大能的勇士,成为以色列的王。今天神也在训练我们。从信主的那一刻开始,属灵的争战已经打响了,并且不会停止。Through difficulties, David sought, waited, took risks, and trusted, being trained and taught by God to become a mighty warrior and the king of Israel. God is also training us today. From the moment we believe in the Lord, the spiritual battle begins and does not stop.主啊,你曾为我在客西马尼园争战到流血的地步。你打赢了这场仗,你败坏了掌死权的!你死了又活了,且活到永远!Lord, You fought for me in the Garden of Gethsemane to the point of shedding blood. You have won the battle and defeated the one who holds the power of death! You died, rose again, and live forever!


主啊,今天圣灵住在我里面,你也要教导我的手能以争战,甚至我的膀臂能开铜弓!我不是与属血气的争战,自己无力得胜,你却是我争战得胜的旌旗!Lord, as the Holy Spirit lives in me today, You will also teach my hands to fight and even my arms to draw the bronze bow! I am not fighting against flesh and blood, and I am powerless to win, but You are my banner of victory!因圣灵在我里面,是有大能的,可以攻破一切的坚固营垒,将我所有的心意夺回,使我可以顺服基督,不再顺从私欲和谎言。Because the Holy Spirit is powerful within me, He can tear down all strongholds and capture all my thoughts, so that I may obey Christ and no longer follow lusts and lies.


圣灵啊,我需要你,求你教导我,掌管我,打赢这场内心的争夺战!主,你是得胜的君王,求圣灵攻破我里面属世界的谎言的金钱观,对错观,荣辱观…Holy Spirit, I need You. Please teach me, guide me, and help me win this inner battle! Lord, You are the victorious King. I ask the Holy Spirit to break through the worldly lies within me, including my views on money, right and wrong, and honour and disgrace...使我拒绝一切的羞耻感和受害者心态,靠着你的圣灵,你的应许,我饶恕接纳自己,在你的爱中,为身边的人祷告争战,愿更多人被兴起,使神的国被扩张Help me to reject all feelings of shame and a victim mentality. Relying on Your Holy Spirit and Your promises, I forgive and accept myself. In Your love, I pray and fight for those around me, hoping that more people will be raised up so that the Kingdom of God will be expanded. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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