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【撒下22:31】至于神,他的道是完全的;耶和华的话,是炼净的。凡投靠他的,他便作他们的盾牌。【2 Samuel 22:31】As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD's word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.

发表于 2024-09-22

大卫王屡次在极度危险中他专注的就是向神呼求,因专心仰望,他就经历神的大能拯救。Many times, when King David was in extreme danger, his focus was on calling out to God. Because he focused on looking up, he experienced God's powerful salvation.他把所有的经历汇成一首诗,赞美颂赞神的信实伟大。He compiled all his experiences into a poem, praising the greatness of God’s faithfulness. 神的道是完全的,祂的话是炼净的,凡投靠耶和华神的,神便作他们的盾牌。The way of God is perfect, His words are refined, and God is a shield for those who take refuge in Him.阿们!Amen! 何等美好应许,我们什么时候承认自己的软弱,投靠祂,祂的刚强就覆庇我们,作我们的盾牌,救我们脱离凶恶。What a wonderful promise — whenever we admit our weakness and take refuge in Him, His strength will cover us, be our shield, and save us from evil.


因祂喜悦神儿女专心来投靠祂,以祂为神,尊祂为大,Because God is pleased when His children surrender to Him wholeheartedly, regard Him as God, respect Him as great, 不分辨善恶,谦卑、做小,顺服祂所赐的每一个环境,放下自己的权力,只愿祂的旨意成就,祂就作我们的盾牌,do not distinguish between good and evil, remain humble, submit to every situation He gives, lay down their own strength, and desire only for His will to be accomplished, He will be our shield. 因倚靠祂的,祂必保守我们十分的平安。For those who rely on Him, He will keep us in perfect peace. 祂的话,祂的道成为我们患难中坚固的保障,可以抵挡魔鬼一切的攻击。His words and ways become our solid protection in times of trouble and can withstand all the attacks of the devil.


求主赦免我们的小信和不信,不愿意把生命完全的交托给你,不信你的拯救,多少次拒绝你的陶造…Please forgive us for our lack of faith and unbelief, for our unwillingness to completely entrust our lives to You, for our doubt in Your salvation, and for rejecting Your moulding so many times...当你把我们带入试炼的考试中,是为培植我们的信心,提升我们的生命更像你,经历你话语的宝贵。When You bring us into trials and tests, it is to cultivate our faith and make our lives more like Yours, so we can experience the preciousness of Your words.主啊,你有永生之道,我们还归向谁呢?Lord, You have the words of eternal life — to whom shall we turn? 不管是谁,不管我们有多软弱,多么的不堪一击,此刻我们回转向你,专心来投靠你,你必保护我们,作我们的盾牌。No matter who we are, no matter how weak or vulnerable we are, at this moment we turn to You and surrender wholeheartedly. You will protect us and be our shield.


主啊,你的慈爱何其深广,你为救我们撇弃了天上的荣华,道成肉身降卑为人来到地上,为我们的罪受鞭伤受刑罚,Lord, Your love is so deep and wide. To save us, You left the glory of heaven. You became flesh, humbled Yourself as a man, and came to earth. You were whipped and punished for our sins. 最痛的时候你还为我们代求。你因爱走向十字架,完成了救赎。You interceded for us even in the greatest pain. You went to the cross out of love and completed our redemption.何等宝贵恩典,凡投靠你的,你便作我们四围的盾牌。主啊,我们的心全然向你,你是我们的救赎主,What precious grace! You are a shield around those who take refuge in You. Lord, our hearts are entirely devoted to You. You are our Redeemer. 你的道是炼净的,又是完全的。主啊,求你时时在我们生命中居首位、掌王权,活出得胜的生命荣耀主名。Your way is refined and perfect. Lord, please always take the first place and reign in our lives, so we may live victorious lives to glorify Your name.

(郭姊妹 Sister Guo)


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