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【撒下22:28】困苦的百姓,你必拯救。但你的眼目察看高傲的人,使他降卑。【2 Samuel22:28】You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low.

发表于 2024-09-20

大卫在患难中,更深认识神和祂做事的法则。神是爱,神更是圣洁公义,必照各人所行的待各人。David, in times of trouble, came to know God and His ways more deeply. God is love, but He is also holy and righteous, and He will deal with each person according to their deeds. 我们也必照自己所行的承受后果。困苦的百姓,谦卑寻求神的子民,神必拯救。We will reap the consequences of our actions. The afflicted, the humble who seek God, will surely be saved by Him. 然而心中高傲的,自高自大的,神的眼目都看见,祂是监察人心肠肺腑的神,祂使自高的降为卑。Yet the proud in heart, those who exalt themselves, are seen by God's eyes. He is the God who searches the hearts and minds of all, and He brings the proud low.

是的,神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。主,在困苦中,我们发现自己办法用尽,再也不能靠自己,惟有来谦卑地呼求你,仰望你,就经历你的拯救!Yes, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Lord, in our distress, when we have exhausted all our own ways and can no longer rely on ourselves, we are left with no choice but to humbly call upon You and look to You, and then we experience Your salvation!  主,你永远良善,你使自高的被降为卑,好使人在卑微之处认识自己是谁,认识神是谁,可以悔改转向你,你仍要拯救到底。Lord, You are forever good. You humble the proud so that, in their lowly state, they may come to know who they are and who You are, and turn to You in repentance. You are faithful to save to the very end.

主啊,从亚当犯罪开始,我们就承受了魔鬼的性情,想要与神同等,想要作神,如神一样判断善恶,却落在罪和死的咒诅之中。Lord, from the moment Adam sinned, we inherited the nature of the devil, desiring to be equal with God, to be like God in judging good and evil, yet we fell under the curse of sin and death. 感谢耶稣,至高的君王,却降卑为人,成为奴仆的样式,被人弃绝羞辱,被钉死在十字架上,却被天父升为至高!Thank You, Jesus, the exalted King, who humbled Himself to become a man, taking the form of a servant, rejected and shamed by men, crucified on the cross, yet exalted by the Father to the highest place! 这至高的爱融化我们的心,谦卑的君王是我们永远的拯救。This supreme love melts our hearts—the humble King is our eternal salvation.

主啊,当人来纠正我时,我正说“不是”,“没有”,心里翻腾难受的时候,这正是我的骄傲了!Lord, when others come to correct me and I find myself saying "No" or "That's not true," while my heart churns with discomfort, this is my pride at work! 骄傲来,羞耻也来。这正是要将这个高傲的旧人与主同钉十字架的时候!When pride comes, shame follows. This is the very moment to crucify my proud old self with You on the cross! 主啊,求你的谦卑来掌管我的心,使我竭力否定自己,不再去钉别人,将耶稣从我心中举起来,使人看到你的荣耀也来归向你。Lord, I pray for Your humility to rule my heart, that I may strive to deny myself, no longer blaming others. Instead, may I lift up Jesus in my heart, so that others may see Your glory and turn to You.(付传道Pastor Fu)


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