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【撒下22:26-27】慈爱的人,你以慈爱待他;完全的人,你以完全待他;清洁的人,你以清洁待他;乖僻的人,你以弯曲待他。【2Sa22:26-27】“To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the devious you show yourself shrewd.

发表于 2024-09-19

大卫的一生中,慈爱、完全、清洁、乖僻,他都经历了。David experienced kindness, perfection, purity, and perverseness throughout his life.当他在神面前存慈爱的心时,神就以慈爱待他;他保守他的心完全时,神就以完全待他;他在神里面保守清洁时,神就以清洁待他; When he had a kind heart before God, God treated him with kindness; when he kept his heart perfect, God treated him with perfection; when he kept purity in God, God treated him with purity;当他在人生中走错了路,犯了乖僻、奸淫的罪,并且借刀杀人时,在那期间,他就经历了神的管教,经历弯曲、崎岖难行的路,刀剑不离他的家。and when he went the wrong way in life, committed perverseness, adultery, and killed people with a borrowed knife, during that period, he experienced God's discipline, faced crooked, rugged, and difficult roads, and the sword never left his home.


人种什么就收什么,我们怎么待人,神就怎么待我们,我们有给人,就必有给我们的。神的话句句定准,祂不偏待人。A man reaps what he sows; how we treat others, God treats us in the same way; what we give to others, we will receive. God's words are accurate, and He is not partial to anyone.大卫在被人追杀时,他以善待恶,看重神的受膏者,以恩慈待那些冒犯他的人,不计算他们的恶,把爱活在伤口,饶恕祝福,When David was being hunted, he repaid evil with good, respected God's anointed, treated those who offended him with kindness, did not hold their wrongdoing against them, lived with love in his wounds, and forgave and blessed.神就救他脱离一切仇敌的手,膏他做以色列的王,他的家和他的国必在神面前永远坚立,他实在是经历神话语的信实公义。God saved him from the hands of all his enemies and anointed him as the king of Israel. His family and his country would be forever established before God. He truly experienced the faithfulness and righteousness of God's words.


我亲爱的救主耶稣,从天上来到地上,为我们这些乖僻的人舍身流血,死在十字架上,把我们从罪恶中救回,使我们得了这份宝贵的救恩,让我们有永活的盼望。My dear Saviour Jesus came from heaven to earth, shed His blood for us perverse people, died on the cross, saved us from sin, and gave us this precious salvation so that we have eternal hope.义和罪,咒诅和祝福两条路摆在我们的面前,在于我们如何选择…Righteousness and sin, curse and blessing are two roads before us. It depends on how we choose...我们这些乖僻的人,神纵然以弯曲待我们,却用救恩,不改变的爱,将我们冰冷刚硬的心温暖,使我们的生命被改变。For us perverse people, even if God treats us crookedly, He uses salvation and unchanging love to warm our cold and hard hearts and change our lives.


十字架是神爱的代价,祂的宝血浸透,献上永远的祭,用祂的生命换我们的生命…十字架是我们永远的荣耀。The cross is the price of God's love. His precious blood is shed, and He offers an eternal sacrifice. He uses His life to exchange for ours... The cross is our eternal glory.恶劣环境是神特特培训我们生命更像祂,患难是恩典,苦难是祝福,为此经历神的慈爱、完全、清洁,从神而来的赏赐。Adverse environments are God's special training for us to be more like Him. Suffering is grace, and suffering is a blessing. Through this, we experience God's love, perfection, and purity, which are rewards from God.主啊,惟有你是这一切的源头,仅此一生,献上自己当作活祭,裂开自己,倾倒我们所有,这是我们今生所求,实行施比受更为有福。Lord, only you are the source of all this. In this life alone, you offer yourself as a living sacrifice, split yourself, and pour out everything we have. This is what we seek in this life. It is more blessed to give than to receive. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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