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【撒下22:17】他从高天伸手抓住我,把我从大水中拉上来。【2Sa 22:17】He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.

发表于 2024-09-18

大卫在旷野面对死亡的网罗,各种的急难,如同大水要把他淹没了…David faced the snare of death in the wilderness and all kinds of distress, as if the floods were about to drown him...在众水、大水中,大卫呼求神,思想神的作为:神掌管风雨雷电,祂的斥责一发,海底就出现,大地的根基也显露!In the midst of the floods, David cried out to God and thought about God's deeds: God controls wind, rain, thunder, and lightning, and at His rebuke, the bottom of the sea appeared, and the foundations of the earth were revealed!这样大有能力的神,是大卫的救主,是他的倚靠。在看似无望中,神从高天伸出手来,把他从大水中拉上来。Such a powerful God was David’s Saviour and his reliance. In what seemed like hopelessness, God reached out from on high and pulled him up from the waters.


大卫一次次经历了神的拯救,不是自己有什么能力才干,而是在绝望中因信呼求,就看到神直接的介入。David experienced God's salvation time and time again, not because of his own abilities, but because he called out in faith during despair and saw God's direct intervention. 神试验人心,神又从高天伸手搭救,如同老鹰训练小鹰。God tests the heart, and He reaches out from on high to rescue, like an eagle training its young. 主啊,当我在罪的大水之中挣扎的时候,是你离开天上的宝座,降卑来到人间,是你十字架上钉痕的手,把我拉出死亡的深坑。Lord, when I was struggling in the flood of sin, it was You who left Your throne in heaven and humbled Yourself to earth. It was Your nail-marked hands on the cross that pulled me out of the pit of death.


主啊,求你赦免我,多少次因着不信,看自己,就灰心,负面,被仇敌欺压,好像溺水的人,失去活着的指望,Lord, please forgive me. How many times have I become discouraged, negative, and oppressed by the enemy because of unbelief and focusing on myself? Like a drowning man, I have lost hope of living.是你一次次从高天伸手抓住了我,把我拉出大水,救出大火!原来离了你,我是这么的软弱,我是多么需要你!主啊,谢谢你在十字架上张开双手,完全饶恕赦免,这份爱救了我!Yet it is You who has reached out from the sky and grabbed me time and time again. You pulled me from the water and rescued me from the fire! It turns out that I am so weak without You, and how much I need You! Lord, thank You for Your open hands and complete forgiveness on the cross. This love saved me!


主啊,谢谢你爱我们就爱到底!父所赐给你的羊,你一只也不丢弃!Lord, thank You for loving us to the end! You will not cast away any of the sheep the Father has given You! 圣灵,教导我们在急难中,软弱中,试验中,不靠自己,只靠叫死人复活的神,与一切的不信和怀疑争战,The Holy Spirit teaches us that in times of crisis, weakness, and trials, we do not rely on ourselves but rely only on God, who raises the dead, to fight against all unbelief and doubt.使我们因信得坚固,因信除自己的罪,因信把灵魂交在你的手中。Strengthen us by faith, help us put away our sins by faith, and entrust our souls into Your hands. 求你更新洁净充满,使我们成为你合用的器皿,与你同工拯救更多失丧的人。We ask You to renew, cleanse, and fill us so that we can become vessels suitable for You, working with You to save more lost people. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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