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【撒下22:7】我在急难中求告耶和华,向我的神呼求。他从殿中听了我的声音,我的呼求入了他的耳中。【2Sa22:7】“In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears.

发表于 2024-09-17

大卫王他经历得胜的秘诀就是不凭眼见,乃是凭着信心,The secret of King David's victory was not to rely on sight, but on faith.无论遭遇多大的急难,如:死亡的波浪,匪类的急流,阴间的绳索,死亡的罗网,好像已经到了完全绝望的光景,大卫因试炼的环境反而和神建立了亲密的关系。No matter how great the emergency was—whether it was the waves of death, the assaults of bandits, the ropes of Hades, or the snares of death—David established a close relationship with God because of these trials.大卫非常肯定的说:我在急难中求告耶和华,向我的神呼求,祂从殿中就听了我的声音,我的呼求就入了祂的耳中。David confidently declared: In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From His temple He heard my voice; my cry came to His ears.


信必看见神的荣耀,他深信神听了他的祷告,他的呼求入了神的耳中,信神接手了,神必要负责到底。Faith reveals the glory of God. David firmly believed that God heard his prayers and that his cry entered God’s ears. He trusted that God had taken control and would see him through to the end.大卫在急难当中他选择了求告耶和华,向他的神呼求,更多寻求神的面,明白神的旨意,出于神的他就默然不语,因他相信神的慈爱比生命更美好,In the midst of the crisis, David chose to call on the Lord and cry out to his God, seeking God's presence and understanding His will. He was silent because he was rooted in God, trusting that God’s love was better than life itself.完全顺服神所赐的考试,把生命完全交在神手中,不以自己的性命为念,只愿神的旨意成就,十字架成为他的冠冕。He completely submitted to the test God had given him and placed his life entirely in God’s hands. He did not worry about his own life but sought only that God's will be done, and in this, the cross became his crown.


主啊,当我们遭遇急难的时候,心就消化,连活的指望也没有了,时常心灰意冷,垂头丧气,指摘抱怨,恨人杀人,失去了平安。Lord, when we face crises, our hearts melt, and we lose the will to go on. We often feel discouraged, depressed, complain, harbour resentment, and lose our peace.不晓得这是你的恩临到我们了,为要建立我们和你的关系,在急难中学习求告你,来寻找我们的神,训练我们有属灵的敏锐,加增我们的信心,倚靠神就必不至惧怕,深知神是我们的倚靠,是我们的避难所,是我们所投靠的。We don’t realise that this is Your grace coming to us, to establish our relationship with You, teaching us to call on You in times of crisis, to seek our God, to train us to be spiritually sensitive, to increase our faith, and to rely on You without fear, knowing that You are our strength, our refuge, and our safety.


主啊,你要复兴你的国度,训练大有能力的工人,Lord, You desire to revive Your kingdom and raise up strong workers.急难、逼迫是最好的陶造,因你是叫我们多经历重大急难的神,必使我们复活,从地的深处救上来,Crises and persecutions are the best moulders, for You are the God who allows us to go through significant trials, and You will revive us and save us from the depths of despair.何等美好应许,每一个急难的背后都是神的爱,神的塑造,神的应许。What a beautiful promise! Behind every crisis is God’s love, God’s shaping, and God’s promise.主啊,因着信,求你时时调转我们的目光,学习向神求告,相信神藉着急难给我们宝贵的功课,Lord, through faith, help us always turn our eyes to You, learn to pray, and trust that You are teaching us valuable lessons through crises.你应许:你在急难中我要与你同在,我要搭救你,使你尊贵。阿们!You promised: I will be with You in Your distress, I will rescue You, and make You noble. Amen!(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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