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【撒下22:4】我要求告当赞美的耶和华,这样,我必从仇敌手中被救出来。【2Sa 22:4】I called to the LORD , who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies.

发表于 2024-09-16

大卫在急难的环境中,呼求神,一次次经历了神的拯救,更使他认识到神是谁!患难中经历神的真实,使他信心加增,凡事求告神,更知神是配得赞美的!David called upon God in times of crisis and experienced God’s salvation again and again, which made him realise who God is! Experiencing the reality of God in times of trouble increased his faith, and he called upon God for everything, knowing that God deserves praise!祂是神!祂是我们的救主!祂掌管我们的生命!祂兴起风浪,祂也平静风浪!洪水泛滥时,祂依然坐着为王!祂作王直到永远!He is God! He is our Saviour! He controls our lives! He raises the wind and waves, and He calms them! When the floods are raging, He still sits as King! He reigns forever!


主啊,大卫怎么在环境中单单注视你,求告你,赞美你,求你带领我也这样信靠你!求你赦免我看自己,看环境,就哀嚎哭泣,灰心无望…Lord, how did David only look to You, call on You, and praise You in the midst of circumstances? Please lead me to trust You in the same way! Please forgive me for looking at myself and the circumstances, then wailing and crying, feeling discouraged and hopeless...我要来转向你,注视你的宝座,你是奇妙策士,你永远良善,你的旨意美好!感谢赞美你,兴起各种环境来训练我,塑造我,使我可以更多经历你,更深认识你!I want to turn to You and look to Your throne. You are a wonderful counsellor, You are always good, and Your will is beautiful! Thank You and praise You for raising up various circumstances to train me and shape me, so that I can experience You more and know You more deeply!


主啊,我要赞美你的名,我要宣告你的大能,你是得胜的君王!你献上自己为祭,却从死里复活,你升上高天,掳掠了仇敌,你败坏了掌死权的,你夺回天上地上一切的权柄,你的宝座永远安定在天!Lord, I want to praise Your name, I want to declare Your power, You are the victorious King! You offered Yourself as a sacrifice, but rose from the dead. You ascended to heaven, plundered the enemies, defeated the one who holds the power of death, and took back all authority in heaven and on earth.你的国度永远长存!我们是属你的子民,我们要靠着耶稣用赞美向一切的仇敌夸胜!Your throne is forever established in heaven! Your kingdom will last forever! We are Your people, and we want to rely on Jesus to triumph over all our enemies through praise!


主啊,我们不是与属血气的争战,一切的难处,正是你在训练塑造我们更像你!赞美中,你的宝座降临,注视你,我们的信心不断提升!你将我们从仇敌手中救出来,为要让我们用圣洁公义来事奉你!Lord, we are not fighting against flesh. All the difficulties are You training and shaping us to be more like You! In praise, Your throne descends, and our faith is constantly growing as we look to You! You rescued us from the hands of our enemies so that we can serve You with holiness and righteousness! 一生在主手中,还有何所畏惧!主啊,兴起我们为你而去,使更多被仇敌压制的孩子归向你,赞美你!With our whole life in the hands of the Lord, what else is there to fear! Lord, raise us up to go for You, so that more children who are oppressed by the enemy will turn to You and praise You! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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