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【撒下20:2】于是以色列人都离开大卫,跟随比基利的儿子示巴。但犹大人,从约旦河直到耶路撒冷,都紧紧跟随他们的王。【2Sa20:2】So all the men of Israel deserted David to follow Sheba son of Bikri. But the men of Judah stayed by their king all the way from the Jordan to Jerusalem.

发表于 2024-09-12

当押沙龙叛乱平息后,大卫回归耶路撒冷,到了吉甲,以色列人与犹大人为迎接王而起争执,After Absalom's rebellion was quelled, David returned to Jerusalem. When he arrived at Gilgal, the Israelites and the Judahites quarrelledover welcoming the king.示巴利用以色列人对犹大人的不满纵容他们反叛大卫,圣经里讲“恰巧”,其实都是上帝的安排,试验人心最深处的动机,看看哪些人是真正的跟随者,Sheba took advantage of the Israelites' dissatisfaction with the Judahites and led them into rebellion against David.The Bible mentions this happening "coincidentally", but it is actually God's way of testing the deepest motives of people's hearts, to reveal who are true followers.然而犹大人通过考试,从约旦河直到耶路撒冷,都紧紧跟随他们的王。However, the Judahites passed the test and followed their king closely from the Jordan River to Jerusalem.


经上说,人的意念都是虚妄的,The Bible says that people's thoughts are vain.以色列人前一分钟还认为与大卫的情分大,热心迎接大卫求王回来,后一分钟就反叛大卫跟从了匪类示巴。The Israelites thought they had a great relationship with David one minute, enthusiastically welcoming him and asking the king to return. The next minute, they rebelled against him and followed the bandit Sheba.人实在是不可信的,惟有神是永远可靠可信的。在新约,耶稣说,人心里没有神的爱,People are truly untrustworthy—only God is always reliable and trustworthy.In the New Testament, Jesus said that people do not have God's love in their hearts.人看到神迹就拥挤主、跟随主、拥戴祂坐王,当主进京城时他们高呼赞美和撒那,奉主名来是应当称颂的,转身就钉祂上十字架。When people witness miracles, they crowd around the Lord, follow Him, and support Him as king. When the Lord entered the capital, they shouted praises and Hosannas, declaring it worthy to come in the name of the Lord. But shortly after, they turned around and crucified Him.


主啊,求你赦免我们愚昧的罪,不信惹事的根在乎你,不晓得每一分钟都是考试,在考试面前我选择爱神还是选择爱自己。Lord, please forgive our foolish sins. We do not believe that the root of our troubles lies in You. We fail to recognise that every moment is a test. In the face of trials, should I choose to love God or myself?犹大人在大卫王遭遇患难时都紧紧跟随他们的王。求主赦免,我们没有紧紧的跟随我们的王,在信仰的道路上意志不坚定,又想抓世界又想爱神,The people of Judah followed their king closely when King David faced hardship. Please forgive us, Lord, for not following our King closely, for wavering in our faith, and for trying to grasp the world while loving God.神说,爱世界爱父的心就不祂里面了。You have said that the heart that loves the world does not have the love of the Father in it.


主啊,求你吸引我们把这份爱建立在基督的根基之上,有属灵的见识,渴慕真道,不偏离左右。Lord, please draw us to build this love on the foundation of Christ, to have spiritual insight, a thirst for the truth, and not to deviate to the left or right.不要中了人的诡计和欺骗的法术,被一切异教之风摇动,飘来飘去;Help us not to be tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.乃是专心仰望我们的神,不倚靠自己的聪明,在一切所行的事上认定你,唯有你是我们的帮助,我们的盾牌,效仿犹大人紧紧的跟随他们的王,直到永远永远。Instead, to look to You, our God, with all our heart, and not rely on our own wisdom. In all our ways, may we submit to You, our helper and shield, and imitate the people of Judah, who closely followed their king, now and forever.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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