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【撒下19:6】你却爱那恨你的人,恨那爱你的人。你今日明明地不以将帅,仆人为念。我今日看明,若押沙龙活着,我们都死亡,你就喜悦了。【2Sa19:6】You love those who hate you and hate those who love you. You have made it clear today that the commanders and their men mean nothing to you. I see that you would be pleased if Absalom were alive today and all of us were dead.

发表于 2024-09-11

跟随大卫的人打了胜仗,谋反的押沙龙被杀,大卫结束了逃亡的日子。但因着大卫为押沙龙大声哭号,众民暗暗地进城,就如败阵逃跑惭愧的民一般。The men who followed David won the battle, and the rebel Absalom was killed, bringing an end to David's days as a fugitive. However, because David wept loudly for Absalom, all the people entered the city secretly, as if they were ashamed, like a defeated people fleeing.约押指出大卫的罪:你的仆人救了你和你儿女妻妾的性命,你却爱那恨你的人,恨那爱你的人!你要出去安慰你仆人的心!大卫听了劝告。Joab pointed out David's fault: "Your servants saved your life, and the lives of your children, your wives, and your concubines, but you love those who hate you and hate those who love you! Go out and comfort your servants!" David listened to Joab's advice.


大卫作为一个父亲,陷在肉体天然的感情中,为押沙龙的死而忧伤难过,这一刻忘了神的公义,忘了自己是这个国家的君王,差点铸成大错!As a father, David was caught up in the natural emotions of the flesh and was deeply saddened by Absalom's death. In that moment, he forgot God's justice and that he was the king of the nation, nearly making a grave mistake!当神差约押来谏言时,大卫因人的纠正而立刻回转。神可以使用任何人对我们说话,人愿意谦卑否定自己的意思,寻求神的意思,就可以离恶行善。When God sent Joab to rebuke him, David immediately repented because of the correction. God can use anyone to speak to us. If we are willing to humbly deny our own will and seek God's will, we can turn away from evil and do good.


主,当我信从世界的价值观,同样是把光当暗,把暗当光,恨那纠正我、爱我的肢体,却爱那叫我死在罪中的私欲;爱那恨我害我的魔鬼,却恨那爱我为我舍命的神!Lord, when I believe in the values of the world, I also regard light as darkness and darkness as light. I hate those who correct and love me, yet I love the lusts that lead me to die in sin; I love those who hate and harm me. The devil hates the God who loves me and died for me!主啊,求你赦免我的瞎眼无知,多少次经历你爱的拯救,却依然逞着自己顽梗背逆不信的恶心,与你为仇,结果落在咒诅之中。Lord, please forgive me for my blindness and ignorance. How many times have I experienced the salvation of Your love, yet I still indulge in my stubborn, rebellious, and unbelieving heart, becoming hostile towards You and bringing about a curse.


主啊,我要回转归向你,感谢你的管教责备,是与我有益!感谢你圣洁公义的爱,是要救我脱离罪恶,得着永恒的祝福。Lord, I want to return to You. Thank You for Your discipline and reproof, which are beneficial to me! Thank You for Your holy and righteous love, which saves me from sin and brings eternal blessings.圣灵,求你帮助我将真理刻在心中,使我被真理更新,喜爱公义,恨恶罪恶,爱你所爱,恨你所恨,与主同心,以父的事为念,成为你合用的器皿,扩展神的国度!Holy Spirit, please help me to engrave the truth in my heart, so that I may be renewed by the truth, love righteousness, hate sin, love what You love, hate what You hate, be of one mind with the Lord, have the Father's will in my heart, and be used by You—a vessel to expand the Kingdom of God! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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