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【撒下17:14】押沙龙和以色列众人说:“亚基人户筛的计谋,比亚希多弗的计谋更好!”这是因耶和华定意破坏亚希多弗的良谋,为要降祸与押沙龙。【2Sa17:14】Absalom and all the men of Israel said, “The advice of Hushai the Arkite is better than that of Ahithophel.” For the Lord had determined to frustrate the good advice of Ahithophel in order to bring disaster on Absalom.

发表于 2024-09-10

人心多有计谋;惟有耶和华的筹算才能立定。There are many plans in the heart of man; only the counsel of the Lord will stand.亚希多弗虽然足智多谋,但因耶和华定意破坏他的良谋,为要降祸与押沙龙。Although Ahithophel was resourceful, the Lord was determined to frustrate the good advice of Ahithophel in order to bring disaster on Absalom.亚希多弗和户筛原来都是大卫的谋士,然而,当押沙龙叛变之时,二人却有了不同的选择。亚希多弗选择投效押沙龙,而户筛仍选择效忠大卫。不同的选择就带来不同的结局。Ahithophel and Hushai were originally David's counsellors. However, when Absalom rebelled, the two made different choices. Ahithophel chose to serve Absalom, while Hushai remained loyal to David. Different choices lead to different outcomes.奸恶的使者必陷在祸患里;忠信的使臣乃医人的良药。A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a trustworthy envoy brings healing. (箴言Proverbs 13:17)


大卫在患难中坚定的倚靠神,神也保守他十分的平安,也为他预备很多忠心的朋友,在患难中成为他的帮助,让他经历在种种惊险中的惊奇人生,David firmly relied on God in the midst of adversity, and God kept him very peaceful. He also prepared many loyal friends to help him in adversity, allowing him to experience a surprising life amidst various trials.因他信靠神,神就使他化险为夷,转危为安。耶和华要打破恶人的计谋,定意要降祸押沙龙,Because he trusted in God, God turned danger into safety. The Lord wanted to break the plan of the wicked and was determined to bring disaster on Absalom.神自己做大卫坚强的后盾,使信靠祂的人永远稳固。God Himself was David's strong backing, ensuring that those who trust in Him will always remain stable.


主啊,你是在人的国中掌权的神,你也必照你的旨意来成就一切。Lord, You are the God who reigns over the kingdom of men, and You will accomplish everything according to Your will.求主赦免,我们常常忘记自己的本相,走了押沙龙的路,被私欲迷惑,心地刚硬,想高、争权夺利、虚荣、图谋大事,Please forgive us, Lord. We often forget our true selves, walk the path of Absalom, are deceived by selfish desires, harden our hearts, seek power and vanity, and plot great things.神说:“你为自己图谋大事吗?不要图谋!我必使灾祸临到凡有血气的。但你无论往哪里去,我必使你以自己的命为掠物。” God said, "Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the Lord, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life."


主啊,你的话安定在天,怎么说就怎么成就。你舍了自己救我们脱离罪恶,用真理教导我们归正,行你眼中看为正的事。Lord, Your words are established in heaven, and what You say will come true. You gave yourself up to save us from sin, taught us to correct ourselves with the truth, and to do what is right in Your eyes.尊神为大,以敬畏神为乐,顺服神赐的每一个考试,追求属灵得胜的实际,脱离一切外在的虚荣。Honour God, take pleasure in fearing God, obey every test given by God, pursue the reality of spiritual victory, and rid ourselves of all external vanity.主啊,你在天上察看,有寻求的没有,有明白的没有,Lord, You are looking from heaven to see if any seek You, any who understand.在各样火一样的试炼面前,仍然为大喜乐,因为你是掌管环境的神,在全地之中,必成就所定规的结局。In the face of all kinds of fiery trials, there is still great joy, for You are the God who controls circumstances, and You will accomplish the predetermined outcome across the entire earth. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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