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【撒下16:10】王说:“洗鲁雅的儿子,我与你们有何关涉呢?他咒骂,是因耶和华吩咐他说:‘你要咒骂大卫。’如此,谁敢说你为什么这样行呢?”【2Sa16:10】But the king said, “What does this have to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah? If he is cursing because the Lord said to him, ‘Curse David,’ who can ask, ‘Why do you do this?’ ”

发表于 2024-09-09

押沙龙图谋造反,大卫不得不逃离耶路撒冷。逃亡的路上,属扫罗族的示每,咒骂大卫,说大卫流了扫罗全家的血。亚比筛愤怒地要杀示每,被大卫制止。Absalom plotted a rebellion, and David was forced to flee Jerusalem. On the way, Shimei, from the tribe of Saul, cursed David, accusing him of shedding the blood of Saul's family. Abishai, enraged, wanted to kill Shimei, but David stopped him.因大卫相信:是耶和华吩咐他咒骂的。若没有神的许可,这些事情就不会临到自己。神在背后掌管这一切,出于神的,大卫就默然不语。David believed it was the Lord who had commanded Shimei to curse him. Without God's permission, none of these events would have happened. God was behind it all, and David remained silent, accepting it as coming from God.


大卫犯了淫乱的罪,借亚扪人的刀杀了乌利亚之后,神曾差先知宣告审判:刀剑必不离开他的家,家中要兴起祸患…After David committed adultery and had Uriah killed by the sword of the Ammonites, God sent a prophet to pronounce judgement: the sword would never depart from David's house, and trouble would come from within his own family.如今自己亲生的儿子寻索他的命,这是神公义的审判!示每的咒骂,虽是冤枉毁谤的话,大卫的眼睛不再看着人,不自己伸冤,他相信神是公义的,或许神因此施恩给他。 Now, David’s own son was seeking his life—this was God’s righteous judgement. Although Shimei's curses were unfair and slanderous, David no longer focused on others or sought justice for himself. He believed in God's righteousness and thought that perhaps God might show him grace because of his humility.


一切都是出于神,惹事的根乃在乎神。主,求你赦免我,就像亚比筛一样,看着人,就讲理由对错,去生气,恼恨,杀人…Everything comes from God, and the root of trouble is God. Lord, please forgive me for being like Abishai. I look at people and judge right and wrong, become angry, lash out, and harm others.大卫只看到神,寻求神的旨意,相信神的公义掌权,就在属灵的考试中饶恕,接纳,平静安稳…不管别人是爱心的劝勉纠正,还是恶意的咒骂毁谤,都有神的美意!David, however, only saw You, sought Your will, and trusted in Your righteousness. Help me to simply forgive, accept, and remain calm and steadfast in spiritual reflection. Whether others are lovingly offering correction or maliciously cursing and slandering, I trust that Your good will is in everything.


主,感谢你兴起各种环境来试验我的心,别人如何与我有何相干,我只要来跟从神!主,这一刻,我的心要接受真理的光照、审判和更新!Lord, thank you for raising up various circumstances to test my heart. What others do hasnothing to do with me. I just want to follow You! Lord, in this moment, my heart needs to be illuminated, judged, and renewed by Your truth!求圣灵治死我里面怪神,怪人,越权去管别人的心,祷告到基督的平安在我心中掌权,操练谦卑,饶恕和爱,得着耶稣的性情,见证神的良善公义!I ask the Holy Spirit to put to death the part of me that oversteps its authority and tries to control the hearts of others. I pray that the peace of Christ will reign in my heart. I will practice humility, forgiveness, and love, gain the character of Jesus, and bear witness to Your goodness and justice! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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