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【撒下14:14】我们都是必死的,如同水泼在地上,不能收回。神并不夺取人的性命,乃设法使逃亡的人不至成为赶出回不来的。【2 Samuel14:14 】Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But that is not what God desires; rather, he devises ways so that a banished person does not remain banished from him.

发表于 2024-09-06

在旧约,神设立逃城,使误杀人的可以逃到那里。In the Old Testament, God appointed cities of refuge, that those who killed another unintentionally might flee there. 但故意杀人的必被治死。押沙龙因怀恨在心,有计划有预谋地杀了暗嫩,逃亡到基述。照律法,他不能进入逃城。But those who murdered with intent were to be put to death. Absalom, filled with hatred, plotted and deliberately killed Amnon. He fled to Geshur, but according to the Law, he could not enter a city of refuge. 大卫心里想念儿子,于是元帅约押差人劝说大卫,使押沙龙可以回家。这也正好体贴了大卫肉体的思想。押沙龙没有悔改,最终起来造反被杀。Yet King David, longing for his son, was persuaded by Joab to allow Absalom to return. This suited David's natural affections, yet Absalom had not repented, and in the end, he rebelled and was slain.

神国不是无法的。照着定命,人人都有一死,死后且有审判。The kingdom of God is not without law. It is appointed unto men once to die, and after that, the judgment. 我们的结局本是永远的沉沦。但是神并不夺取人的性命,祂是救人的神。Our destiny was eternal destruction. Yet God does not desire the death of sinners but seeks to save. 神设法使逃亡的人得拯救,并不是徇私枉法,而是付上极重的赎价:神的儿子耶稣替我们死了!He does not act unjustly, but provides a costly redemption: the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, in our place!  我们的罪都归在了耶稣身上!神的公义、慈爱,在此向我们显明了!Our sins were laid upon Jesus! In Him, the righteousness and love of God are revealed to us!

从亚当犯罪开始,人类就走上了一条不归路,通往死亡。From the time of Adam's sin, mankind has been on a path of no return, heading toward death. 今天我们可以回到父家,与神和好,是因耶稣的宝血!But today, we may return to the Father’s house and be reconciled to God because of the precious blood of Jesus! 主,谢谢你舍命救赎的恩典,你是我们的逃城,避难所!Lord, thank You for Your sacrifice and redemption. You are our refuge and our sanctuary! 在亚当里,我们被定罪;在耶稣基督里,我们被饶恕,被赦免!主啊,感谢你使我们可以重新再活一次!In Adam, we were condemned; in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and absolved! Lord, thank You for giving us new life!

主啊,你用重价赎回我,我的生命是你的赐予,我的爱完全属你!我要为你而活!Lord, You have redeemed me with a great price. My life is Your gift, and my love is fully Yours! I will live for You! 在你宝血里面,撒但不能再来控告定我们的罪!主啊,我要回转向你,住在你里面,就不犯罪,那恶者也不能害我们。In Your precious blood, Satan can no longer accuse or condemn us! Lord, I turn back to You, abide in You, and will not sin, for the evil one cannot harm us. 求你帮助我行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你同行,把身边被仇敌追赶的人也带到你面前,得拯救!Help me, O Lord, to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with You. Lead me to bring those around me, pursued by the enemy, into Your presence to be saved!(付传道Pastor Fu)


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