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【撒下12:13-14】大卫对拿单说:“我得罪耶和华了!”拿单说:“耶和华已经除掉你的罪,你必不至于死。只是你行这事,叫耶和华的仇敌大得亵渎的机会,故此,你所得的孩子必定要死。”【2Sa12:13-14】Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for the Lord, the son born to you will die.”

发表于 2024-09-04

大卫犯下淫乱的罪,借亚扪人的刀杀了乌利亚,抢夺了他的妻之后,最少十个月的时间,大卫麻木地活在罪中,与神隔绝,却不自知。After David committed the sin of fornication, killed Uriah with the sword of the Ammonites, and took his wife, he lived numbly in sin for at least ten months, separated from God without realising it.直到神差先知拿单,严厉地指出大卫的罪:你就是那人!大卫的心苏醒了,立刻承认:我有罪了!我得罪耶和华了!大卫真心地悔改,为自己的罪忧伤痛悔(诗51)。Then God sent the prophet Nathan to sternly point out David’s sin: "You are that man!" David's heart was awakened, and he immediately confessed, "I am guilty! I have sinned against the Lord!" David truly repented, and was sorrowful and contrite for his sin (Psalm 51).


神赦免了大卫的罪。但是罪的工价就是死。大卫要承受自己罪的后果。因着大卫随从自己的贪欲,藐视神的命令,给仇敌大得亵渎的机会,大卫失去四个儿子,押沙龙篡权,与大卫的嫔妃在日光之下同寝。God forgave David's sin. But the wages of sin is death, and David had to face the consequences of his actions. Because David followed his own greed and despised God's command, giving his enemies a great opportunity to blaspheme, he lost four sons. Absalom usurped power and slept with David's concubines in broad daylight.大卫的后代也一同承受可怕的后果:刀剑永不离开他的家…神是轻漫不得的!David's descendants also suffered the terrible consequences: the sword never left his house... God cannot be lenient!


大卫认识到自己是在罪孽里生的,承认神的判断是完全公义正直,他深深地悔改,自己犯了杀人流血的罪,并呼求神为他造清洁的心,使他里面重新有正直的灵。David realised that he was born in sin and recognised that God’s judgment was completely righteous and upright. He deeply repented of the murder and bloodshed he had committed and called on God to create a pure heart within him and renew a right spirit.后来大卫胜过了自己的罪。主啊,当我犯罪时,你舍了独生儿子耶稣来救我,不仅赦免我的罪,更赐圣灵住在我里面…Later, David overcame his sin. Lord, when I sinned, You gave up Your only son, Jesus, to save me. Not only did You forgive my sins, but You also gave the Holy Spirit to dwell within me...


主啊,多少次我不能接纳自己,为什么又犯罪了?从大卫的经历中,再次看到:离开你,我就是这么的破败!你允许我为罪受苦,让我知道罪的咒诅是何等大,何等深远,为的是让我敬畏你,恨恶罪恶,与你同钉十字架!Lord, how many times have I failed to accept myself and questioned why I have sinned again? From David's experience, I can see once more: I am utterly lost without You! You allow me to suffer the consequences of sin so that I may understand how great and profound the curse of sin is, leading me to fear You, hate sin, and be crucified with You!主啊,你已复活,完全得胜,圣灵帮助我,时时仰望依靠你,竭力争战,胜过罪,荣耀你的名!Lord, You have been resurrected and have won complete victory. The Holy Spirit helps me. I will always look to You and rely on You to fight hard to overcome sin and glorify Your name! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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