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【撒下12:9上】你为什么藐视耶和华的命令,行他眼中看为恶的事呢?【2Sa12:9a】Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes?

发表于 2024-09-03

大卫犯罪之后,一直没有悔意,耶和华差遣拿单去见大卫,敦促他悔改。After David sinned, he felt no remorse. Jehovah sent Nathan to meet David and urged him to repent.神用膏你…救你…给你…交在你怀里…赐给你…这五个动词,来数算神向大卫所施的恩典,责备大卫,你为什么藐视耶和华的命令,行他眼中看为恶的事呢?God used five verbs—anointing you, saving you, giving you, delivering you into your arms, and giving you again—to recount the grace He had bestowed upon David and to rebuke him, asking why he had despised the word of the Lord and done what was evil in His eyes.藐视神的命令代价就是刀剑必永不离开他的家,罪的工价是大的。The consequence of despising the word of the Lord is that the sword will never leave his home. The cost of sin is great.


拿单指出,大卫夺人之妻,违背了神的神圣诫命,行神眼中看为恶的事,以致叫耶和华的仇敌大得亵渎的机会,他在神的面前必站立不住。Nathan pointed out that David had taken someone else's wife, violated God's sacred commandment, and done what was evil in God's eyes, which gave Jehovah's enemies a great opportunity to blaspheme. He would no longer be able to stand before God.故此,他所得的孩子必定要死,因神的管教临到,孩子被收取了。Therefore, the child he had must die, because God's discipline came, and the child was taken away.神是轻慢不得的,神断不以有罪的为无罪,若我们硬着颈项落在永生神的手里是可怕的。God cannot be despised, and He will never clear the guilty. It is terrifying if we stiffen our necks and fall into the hands of the living God.


主啊,你所爱的你就责备管教,借着大卫的失败,让我们看到了自己肉体本相的罪性和软弱,体贴肉体就是死,Lord, You rebuke and discipline those You love. Through David's failure, we can see the sinfulness and weakness of our flesh. To indulge in the flesh is death.离开了神就被罪恶所胜,稍不警醒,没有与神连接,在耶和华的命令上懈怠,就给仇敌的机会,便会犯下藐视神的大罪。If we leave God, we will be overcome by sin. If we are not alert, not connected with God, and slack in obeying Jehovah's commands, we will give the enemy an opportunity and commit the great sin of despising God.主啊,我们何等需要你的怜悯,除去我们肉体和肉体的邪情私欲,竭力住到主里,默想你的律例典章,恶者就无法害我们。Lord, how much we need Your mercy. Let us remove our flesh and its evil desires, strive to live in the Lord, and meditate on Your laws and regulations, so that the evil one cannot harm us.


主啊,你喜爱公义,恨恶罪恶,你自己为我们做了圣洁公义的榜样,单单讨父的喜悦。Lord, You love righteousness and hate sin. You Yourself have set an example of holiness and righteousness for us and only seek to please the Father.主啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。单单渴慕你的圣洁,不以这日的事为小,Lord, please create a clean heart within me and renew a right spirit within me.保守自己的心在你的面前,不容罪在我们必死的身上作王,We simply desire Your holiness and do not regard the matters of this day as small. We keep our hearts before You and do not allow sin to reign in our mortal bodies.看重你的命令,行你眼中看为正的事,因你应许你的恩典是够我们用的,只要我们敬畏神一样好处都不缺。We value Your commands and do what is right in Your eyes, because You have promised that Your grace is sufficient for us, and as long as we fear God, we will lack no good thing.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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