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【撒下11:27下】但大卫所行的这事,耶和华甚不喜悦。【2Sa11:7b】But the thing David had done displeased the Lord.

发表于 2024-09-02

在旷野,许多次的生死考验中,大卫与神建立了极其亲密的关系。神与大卫立了永远的约,赐下可靠的恩典和应许。可是作王之后,大卫不再去到战场冲锋陷阵。In the wilderness, through many life-and-death tests, David established an extremely close relationship with God. God made an eternal covenant with David and granted him steadfast grace and promises. However, after becoming king, David no longer went to the battlefield to lead his troops.他过上了安逸的生活,日头平西才从床上起来。从看到容貌甚美的妇人沐浴,到差人打听,将妇人接来,最终犯下淫乱的大罪。He lived a comfortable life, rising from bed when the sun was setting. From seeing a very beautiful woman bathing, to sending someone to inquire about her and bring her to him, he ultimately committed the sin of fornication.


然而大卫仍然对罪麻木没有感觉。一点面酵可以使全团发起来。为了掩盖自己的罪,大卫召回拔示巴的丈夫,乌利亚不回家,就诡诈地使乌利亚醉酒。最后大卫写信给约押,借助敌人之手,使乌利亚被杀。Yet David remained oblivious to his sin. A little leaven leavens the whole dough. To cover up his wrongdoing, David recalled Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, but Uriah did not return home. David then deceitfully made Uriah drunk. Finally, David wrote to Joab, and with the help of his enemies, Uriah was killed.大卫他得着了乌利亚的妻,却不晓得后果何等严重。大卫所行的这事,耶和华甚不喜悦。David took Uriah's wife, but he did not realise how serious the consequences would be. The Lord was displeased with what David had done.


主啊,一个合神心意的人,远离神之后,竟犯下抢夺、淫乱、诡诈、说谎、假冒伪善、蓄谋杀人……这么多的罪!Lord, a man after Your own heart turned away from You and committed robbery, fornication, deceit, lying, hypocrisy, and deliberate murder... so many sins!主啊,你没有掩盖大卫的罪,更是让我看到旧人是不能讨你喜悦的!什么时候,我离开你,什么时候我就是卖给罪的!我的罪比头发还多,你却为我舍命,为把我从罪恶中拯救出来。Lord, You did not cover up David’s sin, and You have shown me that the old self cannot please You! Whenever I stray from You, I am enslaved by sin! My sins are more numerous than the hairs on my head, yet You laid down Your life for me to save me from my sins.


主啊,求你赦免我远离你,不信你,一次次在罪中使你的圣灵担忧!我的旧人只配得与你同钉十字架!感谢你兴起的每一个考试,为要除去我的安逸懒惰,使我紧紧依靠你!Lord, please forgive me for drifting away from You, for not believing in You, and for grieving Your Holy Spirit again and again through my sins! My old self deserves only to be crucified with You! Thank You for every trial You bring to remove my ease and laziness, and to make me rely closely on You!主啊,你是葡萄树,我们是枝子,帮助我们住在你里面,被你修剪,被圣灵引导,行你所喜悦的,结出果子来荣耀你。Lord, You are the vine and we are the branches. Help us to abide in You, to be pruned by You, to be led by the Holy Spirit, to do what pleases You, and to bear fruit for Your glory. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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