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【撒下10:12】我们都当刚强,为本国的民和神的城邑作大丈夫。愿耶和华凭他的意旨而行。” 【2 samuel 10:12】Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.”

发表于 2024-09-01

军长约押出兵迎敌时鼓励亚比筛,Joab, the commander of the army, encouraged Abishai when he sent out troops to meet the enemy. 他说:我们都当刚强,为本国的民和神的城邑,作大丈夫。愿耶和华凭他的意志而行。He said, “Let us all be strong and show ourselves to be men of strength for our people and for the city of God. May the Lord do according to His will.” 约押因为信神,刚强勇敢。他因着信制服了敌国,软弱变为刚强,争战显出勇敢,打退外邦的全军。Joab was strong and brave because of his faith in God. Through faith, he subdued enemy nations, turned his weakness into strength, showed himself to be brave in battle, and defeated entire foreign armies. 信必看见神的荣耀,信的人必有神迹奇事随着他。Whoever believes will see the glory of God, and whoever believes will have signs and wonders follow them.


看环境敌军强大,他们得胜的希望实在渺茫,约押毫不畏惧,把信心的锚抛向了使他们得胜的神,Seeing that the enemy army was strong and their hope of victory was really slim, Joab was not afraid and cast the anchor of his faith in the God who gave them victory. 他对亚比筛说:“亚兰人若强过我,你就来帮助我;亚扪人若强过你,我就去帮助你。我们都当刚强,为本国的民和神的城邑作大丈夫。” He said to Abishai, “If the Syrians are stronger than me, you can come and help me; if the Ammonites are stronger than you, I will help you. Let us all be strong and be strong men for our own people and for the city of God.” 他们为了自己本国的百姓,神的城邑,肩负重任,奋勇向前,把生死置之度外,神就使他们刚强壮胆做了大丈夫,得胜了!They had great responsibilities for their own people and for the city of God, so they moved forward bravely, regardless of life and death. God made them strong and courageous, and they became men who won!


哈利路亚,一场看似令人绝望的战争,因着信,“我们都当刚强,为本国的民和神的城邑作大丈夫。”Hallelujah! A seemingly hopeless war, because of faith, saw a miraculous reversal: “Let us all be strong and be strong men for our own people and for the city of God.” 神奇的逆转,以色列人得胜了,照着神的旨意成就了。主啊,赦免我们的小信和不信,The Israelites prevailed, and God's will was done. Lord, forgive us for our little faith and unbelief. 看到凶险的环境心就消化,选择了自保、逃跑、退缩,在四面受敌之时失去了信心和胆量。When we see the dangerous environment, our hearts melt. We choose to protect ourselves, run away, and retreat. We lose confidence and courage when we are surrounded by enemies on all sides. 结果,还没有被敌人击垮,就已经被自己击垮了。As a result, before being defeated by the enemy, we are already defeated by ourselves.


岂不知,进入神的国必须经历许多的艰难,为要试炼我们的信心,训练我们成为精兵勇士,成为有责任有担当有使命有信心的大丈夫。Don’t you know that entering the kingdom of God requires us to go through many difficulties to test our faith, train us to become elite warriors, and become men with responsibility, mission, and confidence? 多少属灵伟人因着信,不看困难有多大,而是看神有多么的伟大,他们为了神国的复兴,破釜沉舟,背水一战,Because of their faith, many spiritual giants do not look at the difficulty, but at the greatness of God. For the revival of the kingdom of God, they risk everything and fight against the odds. 宁可让自己短命,哪怕流尽最后一滴血,也绝不退缩,神国因他们而复兴。They would rather let themselves be short-lived and never flinch, even if they shed the last drop of their blood. The kingdom of God is restored because of them. 如今,我们当刚强,要信神,依赖祂的大能大力,作刚强的人,作大丈夫,打那美好的仗。Now, we should be strong, believe in God, rely on His power, be strong, be men, and fight the good fight. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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