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【撒下9:7】大卫说:“你不要惧怕,我必因你父亲约拿单的缘故施恩与你,将你祖父扫罗的一切田地都归还你,你也可以常与我同席吃饭。”【2 Samuel9:7】“Don’t be afraid,” David said to him, “for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table.”

发表于 2024-08-30

大卫作王以后,并没有报复扫罗家,灭了他的全家,反而因着约拿单,施恩给米非波设。After David became king, he did not seek revenge against the house of Saul, nor did he destroy Saul’s family. Instead, for the sake of Jonathan, he showed kindness to Mephibosheth. 米非波设来见大卫时,心里是惶恐的。大卫却安慰他不要惧怕,把田地归还给他,并且使他常与王同席吃饭,如同王的儿子一般。When Mephibosheth came before David, he was fearful, but David comforted him, telling him not to be afraid. David restored to him the lands that had belonged to Saul and allowed him to eat at the king’s table as one of the king’s own sons. 因着扫罗离弃神,他的家日渐衰弱。但因着约拿单的敬畏神,他的儿子也蒙恩。Though the house of Saul grew weaker because Saul had forsaken God, Jonathan’s reverence for God brought blessing to his son.

米非波设既是扫罗的后代,又是瘸腿的,本是无指望的,却蒙大卫王的眷顾。这就是恩典。Mephibosheth, being a descendant of Saul and crippled in both feet, had no hope of his own, yet he found favor in the eyes of King David. This is a picture of grace. 我们原本也是瘸腿,瞎眼,与神为仇的罪人,神却差了爱子耶稣为我们舍命流血,我们成为神家里的人。We, too, were once spiritually crippled, blind, and enemies of God, but God sent His beloved Son, Jesus, to shed His blood for us, making us members of His household. 从前我们的祖先亚当犯罪所失落的权柄,领地,因着耶稣在十字架上的得胜,全然被夺了回来。The authority and dominion that our ancestor Adam lost through sin were fully reclaimed by Jesus through His victory on the cross.

神的心意从未改变,祂要籍着信祂的人,在地上建立祂的国度,与祂一同执掌王权。God’s purpose has never changed. He desires to establish His kingdom on earth through those who believe in Him, to reign with them. 那得胜的,将要与主同坐宝座。行义的,将要穿着光明洁白的细麻衣,赴羔羊的婚宴。Those who overcome will sit with the Lord on His throne. Those who live righteously will be clothed in fine linen, bright and clean, and will attend the marriage supper of the Lamb. 主啊,这荣耀的呼召临到我们,是何等的恩典!求你继续施恩,带领我们不依靠自己能力,靠着你的圣灵,回应你的呼召。Lord, what a glorious calling has come to us, and what amazing grace! We ask that You continue to bestow grace upon us, leading us to rely not on our own strength but on Your Holy Spirit as we respond to Your calling.

主啊,让我记得自己的本相,何等不配,你的恩典却如此浩大,使我心被恩感,不再为自己而活!Lord, let me never forget my true condition, how unworthy I am, yet how great Your grace is, that my heart may be moved by Your grace to no longer live for myself. 主,你的应许都是可靠的!圣灵帮助我们,时时仰望你的应许,为着进入羔羊的婚宴,时时否定自己的意思,操练忍耐,饶恕,爱仇敌,行出义来,用生命影响生命,扩展神国的领地。Your promises are trustworthy! Holy Spirit, help us continually look to Your promises, denying our own will, and cultivating patience, forgiveness, and love for our enemies, so that we may live righteously, impacting others with our lives and expanding the territory of God's kingdom.(付传道 Pastor Fu)


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