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【撒下8:14】又在以东全地设立防营,以东人就都归服大卫。大卫无论往哪里去,耶和华都使他得胜。【2Sa8:14】He put garrisons throughout Edom, and all the Edomites became subject to David. The Lord gave David victory wherever he went.

发表于 2024-08-29

大卫国度之扩展,神的应许逐渐在实现,神赐福大卫征服四围列国敌人。As David's kingdom expanded, God's promise was gradually fulfilled. God blessed David, enabling him to conquer the enemies of the surrounding nations.大卫攻打非利士人,摩押人、琐巴人、亚兰人、以东人等,几次战役,他都战胜他们,大卫无论往哪里去,耶和华就使他得胜。David fought against the Philistines, Moabites, Zobahites, Arameans, Edomites, and others. He defeated them in several battles. Wherever David went, the Lord granted him victory.因大卫敬畏神,和神有好关系,把神放在第一位,神就赐福让他日见强盛。Because David feared God, maintained a good relationship with Him, and put God first, God blessed him to become stronger and stronger.


以神的心为心的领袖,不是为自己的荣耀而战,而是为了神的子民安定蒙福,以色列的复兴而战,神就使大卫无论往哪里去,神都使他得胜。A leader with God's heart does not fight for his own glory, but for the stability and blessing of God's people and the revival of Israel. God granted David victory wherever he went.大卫作以色列众人的王,又向众民秉公行义,他是合神心意的王。David was the king of all Israel, and he was just and righteous to all the people. He was a king after God's heart.今天,你邀请我们进入神的国,训练我们成为王的样式,每天与罪恶争战到流血的地步,成为圣洁,使我们可以继续神的计划。Today, You invite us to enter the kingdom of God and train us to be like kings, fighting sin every day to the point of shedding blood, becoming holy, so that we can continue God's plan.


大卫王得胜以后,敌国都归服他,给他进贡,他没有贪图名利坐享其成,After King David was victorious, the enemy nations all submitted to him and paid tribute to him. He did not covet fame and fortune, nor did he sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labour.而是像主耶稣一样,凡事自己行在前面,作众人的榜样,完成神的旨意。Instead, like the Lord Jesus, he led by example in everything and fulfilled God's will.主啊,求你带领我们每天为着神国的复兴,与这个老旧人争战到底,夺地为业,每天有属灵的得胜,也能经历大卫王所经历的,Lord, please lead us to fight to the end against this old nature for the revival of the Kingdom of God every day, to seize the land for inheritance, to have spiritual victories every day, and to experience what King David experienced.无论我们往哪里去,神都使我们得胜,成为祝福的管道。No matter where we go, God will make us victorious and help us become channels of blessing.


主啊,你是处处使人得胜的神,我们渴慕能与你同行,也成为祝福的管道,透过我们祝福他人的生命。Lord, You are the God who grants victory everywhere. We long to walk with You and become channels of blessing, blessing the lives of others through us.大卫胜过列国强敌的秘诀就是尊神为大,以敬畏神为乐,你就照你的应许成就,他的属灵生命日见强盛成为神家的祝福。The secret of David's victory over the powerful enemies of the nations was to honour God and delight in fearing Him. You fulfilled your promise, and his spiritual life grew stronger and stronger, becoming a blessing to the house of God.主啊,我们愿意悔改归正,效仿大卫,敬畏神,尊主为大,行事为人也能够秉公行义,经历你的同在,你的得胜,来荣耀你的圣名。Lord, we are willing to repent and reform, to imitate David, to fear God, honour the Lord, act justly and righteously, experience Your presence and Your victory, and glorify Your holy name. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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