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【撒下7:26-27】26愿人永远尊你的名为大,说:‘万军之耶和华是治理以色列的神’。这样,你仆人大卫的家必在你面前坚立。27万军之耶和华以色列的神啊!因你启示你的仆人说:‘我必为你建立家室’,所以仆人大胆向你如此祈祷。【2Sa 7:26-27】so that your name will be great forever. Then people will say, ‘The Lord Almighty is God over Israel!’ And the house of your servant David will be established in your sight. “Lord Almighty, God of Israel, you have revealed this to your servant, saying, ‘I will build a house for you.’ So your servant has found courage to pray this prayer to you.

发表于 2024-08-28

大卫年少时为着神的名和神的荣耀,凭着信心,以弱小战胜了强大的歌利亚。得胜之后,却面临扫罗的追杀。When David was young, he defeated the mighty Goliath through his weakness by faith, for the name and glory of God. After the victory, he faced Saul's pursuit. 大卫在旷野各样的急难中,更深地经历神,认识神。他所求的不是自己的荣耀,不是地上的财宝,是得见神的面,寻见神的能力,醒来的时候,得着神自己的形象就心满意足了。In the various crises in the wilderness, David experienced God more deeply and came to know Him. What David sought was not his own glory or earthly treasures, but to see God’s face and find His power. When he awoke, he was satisfied with God’s own image.


然而神的应许何等的丰盛!大卫认识神的信实可靠,抓住神的应许,大胆祈祷,愿神坚立他的话,照他的心意而行!Yet how rich are God’s promises! David knew God’s faithfulness and reliability, embraced His promises, and prayed boldly, asking God to confirm His words and fulfil His will.大卫深知万军之耶和华是治理以色列的神,是以色列的王,当尊神的名为大!大卫一生寻求神,并不是为了解决问题,不是为了自己的私欲达成,而是为了高举神的名,使神得荣耀。David understood that the Lord of hosts was the God who ruled over Israel and was the true King of Israel. Hallowed be the name of God! David’s lifelong pursuit of God was not to solve his own problems or achieve selfish desires, but to exalt God’s name and glorify Him.


主啊,你为爱你的人预备的是眼睛未曾看见,耳朵未曾听到,心也未曾想到的!求你赦免我常为自己的事祈求,为了得地上的好处,为了证明自己,高举自己,活在可怜的自我中心里,被撒但欺压!Lord, what You have prepared for those who love You is something that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no heart has conceived! Please forgive me for always praying for my own needs, seeking earthly benefits, proving myself, exalting myself, and living in pitiful self-centredness, oppressed by Satan.主,你在十字架上,最痛的时候,不为自己求,不救自己,成就了救赎的恩典!Lord, on the cross, when You were in the most pain, You did not ask for anything for Yourself or save Yourself, but instead, You accomplished the grace of redemption!


主啊,你不仅带我们出死入生,更要领我们进入你荣耀的国度,与你同掌王权!主,愿万国万民尊你的名为大,愿你的国降临在全地!这是你的心愿,也是我们的使命!Lord, You not only brought us from death to life but also led us into Your glorious kingdom to reign with You as king! Lord, may all nations and peoples hallow Your name, and may Your kingdom come to all the earth! This is Your desire and our mission!主啊,求你掌管我们的心,尊你为大,一生为你而活,为神的国和义大胆祈求,不住祈求,直到复兴降临,使你的荣耀充满全地!Lord, please take control of our hearts, magnify Yourself within us, and help us to live for You all our lives. May we pray boldly for the kingdom of God and righteousness, and pray without ceasing until revival comes and the whole earth is filled with Your glory! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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