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【撒下7:21-22】你行这大事使仆人知道,是因你所应许的话,也是照你的心意。主耶和华啊!你本为大。照我们耳中听见没有可比你的,除你以外再无神。【2Sa7:21-22】For the sake of your word and according to your will, you have done this great thing and made it known to your servant. “How great you are, Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.

发表于 2024-08-27

大卫要为神建殿,但神却不允许,反而给大卫美好的应许。你的家和你的国,必在我面前永远坚立。你的国位也必坚定直到永远。David wanted to build a temple for God, but God did not allow it. Instead, He gave David a wonderful promise: “Your house and Your kingdom will endure forever before me; Your throne will be established forever.”大卫立时就献上感恩,你行这大事使仆人知道,是因你所应许的话,也是照你的心意。David immediately offered thanksgiving, acknowledging that for the sake ofYour word and according to Your will, You have done this great thing and made it known to Your servant.大卫从不忘记他自己的卑微,他知道自己所有的一切都是神的恩典,对神心存感恩。David never forgot his own humility. He knew that everything he had was by God’s grace, and he was grateful to God.


经上说:凡以感谢献上为祭的,便是荣耀神。大卫是看重神荣耀的人,以至于他所行的一切目的就是为荣耀神。The Bible says: “Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor God.” David was a person who valued God's glory, so the purpose of everything he did was to glorify God.在每一个火一样的试炼中,靠主的恩典都转危为安,经历主的信实拯救。他感恩,主耶和华啊!你本为大。照我们耳中听见没有可比你的,除你以外再无神。In every fiery trial, he turned danger into safety by the grace of the Lord and experienced the faithful salvation of the Lord. He was grateful: “How great You are, Sovereign Lord! There is no one like You, and there is no God but You, as we have heard with our own ears.”他认识神的伟大,把神的伟大放在首位,便对神的应许有坚固的信心。He recognised the greatness of God, put God’s greatness first, and had a firm faith in God's promise.


大卫他活在神的荣耀里,他知道神所行的大而可畏的事,是照着神的心意,他从主那里领受神所赐的责任和使命,使以色列得到复兴。David lived in the glory of God. He knew that the great and awesome things God did were in accordance with God's will. He received the responsibility and mission given by God from the Lord to revive Israel.主啊,求你赦免我没有以你的心为心,思念天上的事,也没有顾念神家的事,Lord, please forgive me for not having Your heart, for thinking about earthly things, and not caring about the matters of God's house.思想的都是自己的事,麻烦事多多,不能明白你的心意,生活恶性循环,无法感恩,也经历不到圣经上所应许的话。I only thought about my own concerns, had many troubles, could not understand Your will, and my life was in a vicious cycle. I could not be grateful, and could not experience the words promised in the Bible.


主啊,你是不偏待人的神,只要我们行完了神的旨意,就可以得着所应许的。Lord, You are a God who does not show partiality. As long as we fulfil God's will, we can receive what is promised.大卫的谦卑、顺服、感恩,使你行大事在他的身上,神国因他而复兴。主啊,我们也要看见神国复兴的来到。David's humility, obedience, and gratitude enabled You to do great things through him, and the kingdom of God was revived because of him. Lord, we also want to see the coming of the revival of the kingdom of God.今天,我们献上自己为祭,先求神的国和义,愿我们在一切属灵的智慧悟性上,满心知道神的旨意。Today, we offer ourselves as living sacrifices and seek God's kingdom and righteousness first. May we know God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.效仿大卫,凡事感恩,不忘自己的本相,信你应许,忠于神的托付和使命,只愿你的旨意成就。May we imitate David, be grateful in all things, not forget who we are, believe in Your promises, be loyal to God's entrustment and mission, and desire only that Your will be fulfilled. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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