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【撒下7:18-19】18于是大卫王进去,坐在耶和华面前说:“主耶和华啊!我是谁?我的家算什么,你竟使我到这地步呢?19主耶和华啊!这在你眼中还看为小,又应许你仆人的家至于久远。主耶和华啊!这岂是人所常遇的事吗?【2Sa 7:18-19】18Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said:“Who am I, Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? 19And as if this were not enough in your sight, Sovereign Lord, you have also spoken about the future of the house of your servant—and this decree, Sovereign Lord, is for a mere human!

发表于 2024-08-26

大卫要为神建殿,被神拒绝了。但是神作为发起人,主动与大卫立约,赐下极其丰富的应许:David wanted to build a temple for God, but God refused. However, as the initiator, God took the initiative to make a covenant with David and granted him exceedingly rich promises: 使大卫作王;与他同在,使他得大名;使以色列安居,不再迁移;不被仇敌扰乱;to make David king, to be with him and give him a great name, to make Israel live in peace and never be displaced again, and to protect them from their enemies. 为大卫建立家室;使他的后裔作王;管教责备但慈爱不离开;God promised to make David's family great, to establish his descendants as kings, and although He would discipline and rebuke them, His love would not depart from them. 坚定他们的国位,使大卫的家和国在神面前永远坚立… He established their kingdom so that the house and kingdom of David would be established forever before God.


大卫因此不住向神感恩:我是谁?我的家算什么?主竟如此以厚恩待我和我的家,使仆人的家至于久远!David therefore kept thanking God: "Who am I? What is my family, that the Lord has been so kind to me and my household that my servant’s family is blessed forever!" 因大卫的忠心,即使大卫的子孙有得罪神,神仍纪念祂与大卫所立的约,不肯灭大卫的家。Because of David’s loyalty, even when David’s descendants sinned against God, He would still remember His covenant with David and would not destroy David’s house. 这应许最终完全成就在耶稣基督身上。神的应许是何等信实可靠!祂向爱祂,守祂诫命的人,守约施慈爱,直到千代。This promise was ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ. How faithful and reliable God’s promises are! He keeps His covenant of love with those who love Him and keep His commandments for a thousand generations.


今天天父仍然在寻找像大卫那样合祂心意,完全顺服的器皿。Today, the Father is still seeking vessels of perfect obedience, like David, who are after His own heart.  神等着施恩,倾福给我们!这巨大的祝福,延及子孙后代,且从今生直到永恒!God is waiting to show mercy and pour out blessings upon us! These immense blessings extend to future generations, from this life into eternity. 主啊,我是谁?我算什么呢?你不仅为我们舍命,救我们脱离死亡,更要把永恒的国赐给我们,呼召我们与你一同作王!这岂是人所常遇的事呢?!Lord, who am I? What is my worth? You not only laid down your life for us and saved us from death, but you also gave us an eternal kingdom and called us to reign with you! Is this something that people often encounter?


主啊,我如何才能报答你的厚恩?惟有献上感恩,把我和我的家献在祭坛上,求你随你的心意,破碎和塑造我们成为你合用的器皿!Lord, how can I repay your kindness? I can only offer my thanks and place my family and myself on the altar. Please break and mould us into vessels suitable for Your purposes as You see fit!主啊,这恩召的指望是何等的荣耀!你配得我们撇下一切所有来跟从你!Lord, how glorious is the hope of this calling! You are worthy of us leaving everything behind to follow You!求你帮助我们效法大卫,爱你,照你的旨意而行,让耶稣基督在我们心中作王,扩张神的国度。Please help us to imitate David, to love You, do Your will, let Jesus Christ reign in our hearts, and expand the Kingdom of God. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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