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【撒下6:14】大卫穿着细麻布的以弗得,在耶和华面前极力跳舞。【2 Sam 6:14 】Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the Lord with all his might.

发表于 2024-08-25

神的约柜代表了神的荣耀,神的同在;The Ark of God represents the glory and presence of God. 从约柜被掳,到回到以色列人中,没有人宝贵神的同在,没有人寻找神的荣耀。From the time the Ark was captured until it returned to the Israelites, no one cherished God’s presence or sought God’s glory. 大卫作王之后,他第一件事就是定意寻找约柜。After David became king, the first thing he did was to find the Ark. 当他得着了耶路撒冷,他作了一件大事就是把约柜迎回锡安,到大卫的帐幕那里,When he captured Jerusalem, he accomplished a great feat by bringing the Ark back to Zion, to David’s tent, 好使神的同在成为国度的中心,好使神能作全以色列的王。so that God’s presence would become the centre of the kingdom, and God could be the king of all Israel.


大卫深知自己是谁,是神所膏立的,他的一切都是神所赐,David knew who he was—that he was anointed by God and that everything he had was given by God. 当约柜被寻回,神的同在和神的荣耀充满时,When the Ark was found and filled with God’s presence and glory, 大卫完全放下自己一国之君的身份,身穿细麻布的以弗得,在耶和华面前极力跳舞。David completely set aside his identity as the king of a nation, wore a linen ephod, and danced vigorously before the Lord. 登上王位他没有跳舞,他跳舞是因找到约柜了,He did not dance after he ascended the throne. 有神的同在,神的荣耀,他内心被神充满的满足。He danced because he had found the Ark, had God’s presence and glory, and his heart was filled with satisfaction from God.

主啊,大卫的每一个动作都扎我们的心,Lord, every move of David pierces our hearts. 纵然被米甲讥笑轻视,他只看重神,他那么忘我专注的爱你,在你面前极力跳舞赞美称颂,Even though he was ridiculed and despised by Michal, he valued only You. He loved You so selflessly and attentively, dancing and praising You with all his might. 以你的心为心,只愿得着你的喜悦,你称他是合乎你心意的人。He took Your heart as his own and only wished to receive Your pleasure. You called him a man after Your own heart. 主啊,你是大卫的神,也是我们的神,Lord, You are David's God and our God. 我们的心在哪里呢?我们看重的是什么呢?Where is our heart? What do we value? 大卫找不到神的约柜与荣耀,他就不休息,不睡觉,David could not find the Ark of the Covenant and the glory of God, so he would not rest or sleep. 他内心就不安,他何等看重你的同在与荣耀。His heart was uneasy. How much he valued Your presence and glory.

那尊重你的,你必重看他,使他和他的家日见强盛。You will value those who respect You, and make him and his family stronger day by day. 主啊,你是信实公义的主,我们赞美你,爱你的你就爱他。Lord, You are the faithful and righteous Lord. We praise You, and You love those who love You. 主啊,从这一刻开始,我们选择爱你,渴慕你的同在和荣耀,每天分别为圣,尊神为大,以敬畏神为乐。Lord, from this moment on, we choose to love You, long for Your presence and glory, set ourselves apart as holy every day, honour God as great, and take pleasure in fearing God. 因你恩典,我们屈膝降服在你面前,效仿大卫看重神胜于一切,何时何地极力跳舞赞美,用尽全人全心来敬拜称颂你的美名。Because of Your grace, we kneel down and submit before You, imitating David who valued God above all else, dancing and praising You whenever and wherever we can, using our whole being and heart to worship and praise Your beautiful name.(郭姊妹 Sister Guo)


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