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【撒下5:25】大卫就遵着耶和华所吩咐的去行,攻打非利士人,从迦巴直到基色。【2 Samuel5:25】So David did as the LORD commanded him, and he struck down the Philistines all the way from Gibeon to Gezer.

发表于 2024-08-23

大卫从前在旷野艰难的日子,凡事寻求神,依靠神。David, during his difficult days in the wilderness, sought God in all things and relied on Him. 大卫日见强盛,照着神所应许的做了以色列的王。As David grew stronger, he became king of Israel according to God's promise. 面对非利士人的攻击,他依然凡事求问神,不依靠自己的能力。When faced with attacks from the Philistines, he continued to seek God's guidance in all matters, not relying on his own strength. 大卫靠着神胜过仇敌,把敌人撇下的神像,用火焚烧了(代上14:12)。With God's help, David overcame his enemies and burned the idols they left behind with fire (1 Chronicles 14:12). 敌人再次攻击,大卫没有依靠自己的经验,依然求问神。When the enemy attacked again, David did not depend on his previous experience but once again sought God's direction.

神是做新事的神,再次赐下争战的策略,让大卫转到敌人后头攻打他们。God is a God who does new things, and He once again gave David a strategy for battle, instructing him to circle around behind the enemy and attack them from the rear. 神吩咐大卫:你听见桑树梢上有脚步的声音,就要急速前去,因为那时耶和华已经在你前头去攻打非利士人的军队。God commanded David, saying: "When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall go out to battle, for at that moment the Lord has gone out before you to strike the army of the Philistines." 万军之耶和华在前面行,大卫凡事寻求神,遵着耶和华所吩咐的去行,必定经历得胜!The Lord of hosts went before him, and as David sought the Lord in all things and followed His commands, he surely experienced victory!

主啊,面对每一天的属灵争战,我们何等需要你的指示和引领。Lord, in the face of daily spiritual battles, how much we need Your guidance and leading. 原来不是我们能胜过仇敌。仇敌来攻击,你要训练我们信靠你、顺服你。It is not by our own strength that we can overcome the enemy. When the enemy attacks, You are training us to trust and obey You.  我们若肯放下自己的意思,凡事寻求你的心意,留心你的作为,听从你,跟随你的脚踪,行你的道,你就反手攻击我们的仇敌!If we are willing to lay down our own will, seek Your will in all things, and pay attention to Your works, listening to You, following in Your footsteps, and walking in Your ways, then You will turn and strike down our enemies! 神作元帅,无不得胜!With God as our Commander, victory is assured!

主啊,求你赦免我们总是到无计可施时,才想起求问你。Lord, forgive us for only seeking You when we have exhausted all other options.每一天,每时刻,我们都需要你的引领!Every day, every moment, we need Your guidance!圣灵,求你光照、洁净我的心,使我不再定睛于人和事,而是不断地祷告,求问,等候,Holy Spirit, I ask that You shine Your light upon my heart and cleanse it, so that I no longer focus on people or circumstances, but instead, remain in constant prayer, seeking, and waiting on You. 让神在前头行,得着指示,快快跟上去,完全顺服,与仇敌争战,夺地为业,见证耶稣是得胜的君王!Let God go before me, receive His instructions, and quickly follow in complete obedience. In this way, I may engage in battle with the enemy, claim the land as our inheritance, and bear witness that Jesus is the victorious King! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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