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【撒下5:10】大卫日见强盛,因为耶和华万军之神与他同在。【2Sa5:10】And he became more and more powerful, because the Lord God Almighty was with him.

发表于 2024-08-22

大卫他日见强盛不是因着他的势力才能,而是因着耶和华万军之神与他同在。David became more and more powerful, not because of his power and ability, but because the Lord God Almighty was with him. “万军之神与他同在”,岂有难成的事。With the Lord God Almighty on his side, nothing was too difficult to accomplish.大卫和跟随的人在耶路撒冷攻打住那地方的耶布斯人。耶布斯人对大卫说:“你若不赶出瞎子,瘸子,必不能进这地方。”心里想大卫决不能进去。David and his men marched to Jerusalem to attack the Jebusites, who lived there. The Jebusites said to David, “You will not get in here; even the blind and the lame can ward you off.” They thought, “David cannot get in here.”万军之神与他同在,便攻下那城,取名大卫城,他日见强盛,无所畏惧,战无不胜。But the Lord God Almighty was with him, so he captured the city and named it the City of David. He became more and more powerful, fearless, and invincible.


神称赞大卫日见强盛,为他做美好的见证。God praised David for becoming more and more powerful and gave him a good testimony.因他每一日都在神的同在里,他的每一天,每一个选择,都是尊主为大,把神放在第一位。Because David was in God's presence every day, each day and every choice he made was to honour the Lord and put God first.不以自己的性命为念,也不以自己的性命为宝贵,任何时候都是把自己的生死、利益得失置之度外,惟求神国的荣耀,He didn't care about his own life, nor did he regard it as precious. At any time, he would put his life and death, interests, and gains and losses aside, seeking only the glory of the Kingdom of God.神使他经历一个又一个神迹,使不可能成为可能,他的生命日见强盛。God made him experience miracles one after another, turning the impossible into reality, and his life became more and more powerful.


大卫从小信靠神打败熊和狮子,做了王他更是信靠神,David trusted in God to defeat bears and lions from a young age. When he became king, he trusted in God even more.在每一个环境中他纪念主,高举主的名,神使大卫日见强盛。In every situation, he remembered the Lord and exalted His name. God made David more and more powerful.求主赦免我们的罪,生活中没有神,更没有尊主为大,多少时候,我们靠了自己的血肉膀臂,自以为的聪明去做事,得不偿失,May the Lord forgive our sins. There is no God in our lives, and we often fail to honour the Lord. Many times, we rely on our own flesh, blood, and wisdom to do things, but the gains don't outweigh the losses.经上说,有一条路人以为正,至终成为死亡之路,我们的生命是日见衰弱。The Bible says that there is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. Our lives are becoming weaker and weaker.


主啊,我们的指望乃在乎你,不再靠势力才能,而是倚靠万军之耶和华,你才是我们真正得救和得胜的根源。Lord, our hope is in You. We no longer rely on power and ability but on the Lord God Almighty. You are the source of our true salvation and victory.大卫已经给我们做了榜样,你使他日见强盛,现在我们以耶稣为王,凭信而行,相信你的慈爱比生命更美好,David set an example for us. You made him more and more powerful. Now we take Jesus as our king and walk by faith. We believe that Your love is better than life.邀请主圣灵登上我们心中的宝座,效仿大卫以敬畏神为乐,爱神爱人,凡事尊神为大,用生命来影响生命,日见强盛荣耀主名。We invite the Holy Spirit of the Lord to ascend the throne of our hearts. We should follow David's example: take pleasure in fearing God, love God and love people, honour God in everything, use life to influence life, and become more and more powerful to glorify the Lord's name. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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