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【撒下3:1】扫罗家和大卫家争战许久,大卫家日见强盛,扫罗家日见衰弱。【2Sa 3:1】The war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasted a long time. David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker.

发表于 2024-08-21

大卫家和扫罗家的结局是何等鲜明的对比。大卫是合神心意的人,他家起初很小,因他敬畏神,行神眼中看为正的事,成为一代君王的典范,神与大卫同在,使大卫家日见强盛;What a sharp contrast there is between the endings of David’s family and Saul’s family. David was a man after God’s own heart. His family was small at first, but because he feared God and did what was right in God’s eyes, he became a model for generations of kings. God was with David, making his family stronger and stronger.扫罗家起初很强大,但他悖逆神,违背神的命令,行自己眼中看为正的事,神离开了扫罗,不与他同在,扫罗家就日见衰弱,成为神子民的借鉴。Saul’s family, on the other hand, was very powerful at first, but Saul rebelled against God, violated God’s commands, and did what was right in his own eyes. God left Saul and was no longer with him. Saul’s family became weaker and weaker, serving as a lesson for God’s people.


属灵法则如此真实,顺从谁就做谁的奴仆,因为随从肉体的人,体贴肉体的事;随从圣灵的人,体贴圣灵的事。体贴圣灵就日见强盛,体贴肉体就日见衰落。The spiritual law is so real: whoever you obey becomes your master. Those who follow the flesh mind the things of the flesh, while those who follow the Spirit mind the things of the Spirit. Focus on the Spirit, and you will become stronger; focus on the flesh, and you will become weaker.大卫在每一日每一件事上都看重神的旨意,监察心中的每一个动机,凡事寻求,等候神,神不动他就不动,他不以这日的事为小,神就使大卫家日见强盛。David valued God's will in every moment and every matter, monitored every motive in his heart, sought and waited on God in everything, and did not act unless God moved. He did not consider any matter too small, and God made David's house stronger day by day.


我们羡慕大卫家日见强盛,但经上说懒惰人羡慕无所得,很多时候我们选择了扫罗的路,体贴肉体,嫉妒比较,没有祝福人的心,受肉体想法的奴役,因惧怕就要控制结局,恨人杀人,We envy the growing power of David’s house, but the Bible says that the lazy envy what others have gained. Many times, we have chosen Saul’s path, indulging in the flesh, feeling jealous, and comparing ourselves to others. We lack the heart to bless others, are enslaved by the thoughts of the flesh, try to control our outcomes out of fear, harbour hatred, and harm others.心中没有神和神的命令,做了糊涂人,不明白神的旨意如何,行神眼中看为恶的事,我们的属灵生命就日见衰弱,没有基督的平安掌权。We do not keep God and His commands in our hearts, act foolishly, fail to understand God’s will, and do things that are evil in His eyes. As a result, our spiritual lives grow weaker, and we lack the peace of Christ to rule over us.


主啊,祝福和咒诅两条路摆在我们面前,基督的国,日见强盛;魔鬼的国,日见衰弱。主啊,求你指教我们怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心,竭力胜过罪恶,不再作罪的奴仆,不容罪在我们必死的身上作王,单以耶稣为我们的王。Lord, there are two roads before us: blessing and curse. The kingdom of Christ is getting stronger, while the kingdom of the devil is getting weaker. Lord, please teach us to number our days so that we may gain a wise heart, strive to overcome sin, and no longer be slaves to it. May we not allow sin to reign in our mortal bodies but take Jesus as our king.效仿大卫以敬畏神为乐,凡事寻求等候,尊神为大,用生命来影响生命,使我们的家,我们的教会日见强盛荣耀主名。Let us follow David's example, rejoicing in the fear of God, seeking and waiting for everything, honouring God, and using life to influence life. May our homes and our church grow stronger and glorify the Lord's name. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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