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【撒下2:6】你们既行了这事,愿耶和华以慈爱诚实待你们,我也要为此厚待你们。【2Sa2:6】May the Lord now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same favor because you have done this.

发表于 2024-08-20

基列雅比人被亚扪人围攻时,神使用扫罗拯救了他们。When the people of Jabesh Gilead were besieged by the Ammonites, God used Saul to save them.扫罗被非利士人剥了军装,割下首级,尸身被钉在伯珊的城墙上。Saul was stripped of his armour by the Philistines, his head was cut off, and his body was nailed to the wall of Bethshan.基列雅比中间所有的勇士,走了一夜,冒着生命危险,将扫罗和他儿子的尸身从城墙上取下并埋葬。All the warriors in Jabesh Gilead walked through the night, risking their lives, to take down the bodies of Saul and his sons from the wall and bury them.基列雅比人不仅带出行动向扫罗报恩,也除去了以色列人战败的羞耻。The people of Jabesh Gilead not only acted to repay Saul but also removed the shame of the Israelites' defeat.


大卫没有因他们支持扫罗而恼恨,反而因他们所行的,为他们祝福,愿神以慈爱诚实待他们。David was not angry with them for supporting Saul, but instead, he blessed them for what they did, asking that God would treat them with kindness and honesty.大卫认识神做事的法则,爱神所爱的,厚待基列雅比人。David understood the principles of God's work, loved those whom God loved, and treated the people of Jabesh Gilead kindly.慈爱的人,神以慈爱待他!乖僻的人,神以弯曲待他!To the faithful God showsHimself faithful, but to the devious God shows Himself shrewd.神实在照我们各人所行的报应各人。我们愿意人怎样待我们,我们也要怎样待人。God truly rewards each of us according to our deeds. We should treat others as we would like them to treat us.


亚当违背神的命令,既行了这事,咒诅就临到。亚伯拉罕献上最爱的以撒,既行了这事,神就赐大福给他。Adam disobeyed God's command, and when he did, the curse came. Abraham offered up his beloved Isaac, and after he did this, God blessed him greatly.主啊,你是公义正直的!人种的是什么,收的也是什么!Lord, You are righteous and upright! What a person sows, they will also reap!求你赦免我,为自己的罪受苦,遭灾难的时候,常常抱怨神,责怪人,自以为有理,自以为义…神公义的判断决不更改。Please forgive me for suffering because of my sins. When I encounter disasters, I often complain about God, blame others, think I am justified, and consider myself righteous... God's righteous judgement will never change.


罪的工价就是死。The wages of sin is death.主,感谢你为我们预备救恩,使我们可以回转归向你。我们行神眼中看为正的事,就可以得福。Lord, thank You for preparing salvation for us so that we can turn back to You. We can be blessed if we do what is right in God's eyes.主啊,帮助我更深恨恶自己的罪,喜爱你的公义,每一天,每个选择,尊主为大,Lord, help me to hate my sins more deeply and love Your righteousness. Every day, in every choice, may I honour the Lord,使我更深认识你,有你的公义和慈爱,爱你所爱,祝福厚待身边的人,使人归向神的国度!so that I can know You more deeply, have Your righteousness and love, love those You love, bless and treat those around me well, and lead people to the kingdom of God! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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