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【撒下1:11-12】大卫就撕裂衣服,跟随他的人也是如此。而且悲哀,哭号禁食到晚上,是因扫罗和他儿子约拿单,并耶和华的民以色列家的人倒在刀下。【2Sa 1:11-12】Then David and all the men with him took hold of their clothes and tore them. They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the army of the Lord and for the nation of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.

发表于 2024-08-19

神对大卫的考试步步惊心,每一步都很关键,在试炼中大卫都交出了让神满意的答卷,印证了神说的话,大卫是合神心意的人。God’s test of David was intense, and every step was crucial. Throughout the trials, David handed in answers that pleased God, confirming what God had said: David was a man after God’s own heart. 他敬畏神,凡事以神的心为心,思想的是神国的荣辱,所在意的就是神选民的利益安危。He feared God, and in everything he did, he considered the honour and disgrace of God’s kingdom and cared about the interests and safety of God’s chosen people. 大卫得知扫罗和约拿单与非利士人战争,因战败而死,大卫就撕裂衣服,为他们悲哀哭号,禁食到晚上,跟随他的人也是如此。When David learned that Saul and Jonathan had died in the war against the Philistines, he tore his clothes, wept for them, and fasted until night, and the people who followed him did the same.


大卫没有因扫罗的死幸灾乐祸,他终于不用过流亡的生活了,反而是撕裂衣服、悲哀、哭号、禁食,每一个动作都是由心而出,显出深深的丧亲之痛。David did not gloat over Saul's death, even though it meant he no longer had to live in exile. Instead, he tore his clothes, mourned, cried, and fasted. Every action came from his heart, reflecting his deep grief for the loss of his loved ones. 又为扫罗和约拿单作哀歌,哀悼他们,这是何等宽广爱仇敌的心,生命之光,有基督的性情和智慧。He also sang a lament for Saul and Jonathan, mourning them. What a broad heart that loves his enemies—the light of life, the nature and wisdom of Christ. 大卫敬畏神,爱神爱人,他手下的士兵也被影响跟随。David feared God, loved God, and loved people, and his soldiers were influenced by him and followed his example.


求主赦免我们的心是何等狭窄作恶,思想的都是关乎自己的利益得失,生死荣辱,May the Lord forgive us for our narrow-mindedness in doing evil. We often think only about our own gains and losses, life and death, honour and disgrace. 看到仇敌遭报都是暗自高兴,落井下石,没有站在一个正确的位置上,审判自己,让圣灵担忧了。We feel secretly pleased when we see our enemies punished, and we add insult to injury. We fail to stand in the right position to judge ourselves, causing the Holy Spirit to grieve. 经上说,万事互相效力,在基督里没有小事,每一件事都是试验我们的心,我们看重什么?我们的心怎样思量,我们为人就是怎样。The Bible says that all things work together for good. In Christ, there is no small matter; everything tests our hearts. What do we truly value? As we think in our hearts, so we behave.


大卫王深深的给我们上了一课,深知神才是真正的主权,扫罗或站住,或跌倒,自有他的主在。King David taught us a profound lesson: knowing that God is the true sovereign. Whether Saul stood or fell, his master was always God. 大卫看重的是尊神为大,看重神的名和神国的荣耀。David valued the greatness of God, the name of God, and the glory of the Kingdom of God.是的,爱仇敌就是天父的儿子,效仿大卫看重你的受膏者,他必兴旺我必衰微。Indeed, loving your enemies is the mark of a child of the Heavenly Father. Follow David's example and honour the Lord’s anointed. He must increase, and I must decrease. 求你感动大卫的灵加倍感动我们,放下自以为应得的权利,每天求神国的荣耀,背起自己的十字架,只愿你的旨意成就。May a double portion of David’s spirit be upon us. Lay down the rights we believe we are entitled to, seek the glory of the Kingdom of God every day, and carry your cross. May your will be done. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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