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【撒上30:24】这事谁肯依从你们呢?上阵的得多少,看守器具的也得多少,应当大家平分。【1 Samual30:24】Who will listen to what you say? The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.”

发表于 2024-08-18

大卫带领四百人追赶仇敌,并得胜归来。但其中有恶人与匪类,拒绝把战利品分给没有参战的两百人。David led 400 men to pursue the enemy and returned victorious. However, there were wicked people and bandits among them who refused to share the spoils with the 200 who did not participate in the battle.罪人的本相是只看到自己的付出,不肯把好处给别人。The nature of sinners is to focus only on their own efforts and not to extend benefits to others.但是大卫深知,这一切的战利品是神所赐的,若不是神将敌军交在我们手里,怎能得胜呢?上阵的得多少,看守器具的也得多少。But David knew that all these spoils were given by God. If God had not handed the enemy army into our hands, how could we have won? As much as those who went to the battlefield receive, so will those who guarded the equipment.


曾有宣教士在异国遇到困苦急难,There were missionaries who faced difficulties and emergencies in foreign countries. 家乡守望的肢体得着神的启示,半夜起床,恳切祷告祈求,参与属灵争战,直到得着胜利和平安。The members who remained in their hometowns received God's revelation, got up in the middle of the night, prayed earnestly, and engaged in spiritual warfare until they achieved victory and peace. 同一时间,宣教士经历生死,又得着拯救。上阵的和看守器具的,一同在为神国效力。At the same time, the missionaries experienced life and death and were saved. Those who went to the battlefield and those who guarded the equipment served the Kingdom of God together.忠心献上自己的宣教士,和忠心代祷,默默奉献支持的肢体,同得奖赏。Missionaries who faithfully offered themselves and members who faithfully interceded and silently offered their support were rewarded together.


耶稣从死里复活,升上高天,掳掠仇敌,祂没有独享得胜的荣耀,而是甘心住在我们里面,把各样的恩赐赐给人,训练我们一同承受神的国。Jesus rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and defeated His enemies. He did not enjoy the glory of victory alone, but willingly dwelt within us, giving all kinds of gifts to people and training us to inherit the Kingdom of God together.我们不需要比较、争竞、嫉妒…只需要连与元首耶稣,各尽其职,搭配服侍,彼此相助,忠心完成神在各人身上的呼召,就能得着奖赏。We do not need to compare, compete, or be jealous... We only need to be connected with the head, Jesus, each doing our own part, serving together, helping each other, and faithfully fulfilling God's calling on each person, and we can receive rewards.


主啊,感谢你的恩典,使我们有机会回应你的爱。Lord, thank you for your grace, giving us the opportunity to respond to your love. 圣灵,求你充满我们,或献上自己,参与服侍;或在家中照顾老人孩子;或切切为神国代求代祷;或奉献钱财、时间、爱心,参与神国事工…Holy Spirit, please fill us, whether we offer ourselves to participate in service, take care of the elderly and children at home, intercede for the Kingdom of God, or donate money, time, and love to participate in the ministry of the Kingdom of God...进入命定,忠心顺服于我们的救主,使我们走完一生,可以在审判台前得着天父的称赞和奖赏。Enter into our destiny, faithfully obey our Saviour, so that we may complete our lives and receive the praise and reward of the Heavenly Father at the judgment seat.(付传道Pastor Fu)


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