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【撒上30:6】大卫甚是焦急,因众人为自己的儿女苦恼,说要用石头打死他。大卫却倚靠耶和华他的神,心里坚固。【1Sa30:6】David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God.

发表于 2024-08-15

大卫和跟随他的人回到洗革拉,不料,城已烧毁,他们的妻子儿女都被掳去了。When David and his men reached Ziklag, they found it destroyed by fire and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive.在巨大的灾难中,这些身经百战的勇士一起放声大哭,直哭得没有气力。In the face of this great disaster, these battle-hardened warriors wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep.众人开始责怪恼恨大卫,要用石头打死他。大卫也一样的焦急,却在急难中转向神。他倚靠神,心里就得坚固。信与不信的果子何等不同。The people began to blame and resent David, even threatening to stone him. David, though equally distressed, turned to God in his time of trouble. He found strength in the Lord his God. The difference between faith and unbelief is indeed profound.


埋怨、恨人不能带来拯救。在人的攻击中,大卫坚定地信靠神,求问神,神即刻回应。Complaining and harbouring resentment cannot bring deliverance. Amidst human attacks, David firmly trusted in God and sought His guidance, and God immediately responded.大卫率领众人追赶仇敌,将亚玛力人所掳去的人和财物,全都夺了回来,并掳掠了仇敌的一切。David then led his men to pursue the enemy, the Amalekites, and they recovered everything that had been taken, along with all the spoils.大卫再一次通过信心的考试,经历神的信实拯救,全然得胜。哈利路亚!信靠神的必不羞愧!主啊,你一直在掌权!Once again, David passed the test of faith, experiencing God’s faithful deliverance and complete victory. Hallelujah! Those who trust in God will never be put to shame! Lord, You are always in control!


在患难困苦中,没有神的人,就怪人、恼恨、绝望、痛苦…In times of distress and hardship, those without God will blame others, harbour resentment, fall into despair, and suffer...有神的人,流着泪寻求神的心意,信靠神的良善和大能,跟神的关系越来越亲密、坚固,不能被打倒…But those who have God will, through their tears, seek God’s will, trust in His goodness and power, and grow closer and stronger in their relationship with Him, becoming unshakeable...主啊,我是哪一种人呢?求你赦免我,祷告听道的时候,知道我有神;难处中却看环境,看人,掉在不信里,如同没有神的人…Lord, which kind of person am I? Forgive me for knowing that I have God when I pray and listen to the Word, yet in times of trouble, I look at my circumstances, focus on people, and fall into unbelief, just like those who do not have God...


主,你如此精心地训练大卫,你也在训练我们!一切都是出于你!Lord, just as You carefully trained David, Youare also training us! Everything comes from You!在急难之中,我要宣告:我的神活着!我要选择大卫的道路,因信时时迎接考试,不怀疑,不埋怨,不后退,In times of crisis, I will declare: My God lives! I will choose David's path, welcoming tests with faith, without doubt, complaint, or retreat.靠主刚强争战,夺回自己失丧的领地,让基督在我生命中掌权,也为身边被掳的家人、肢体争战,扩展神的国度。I will fight with the Lord's strength, reclaiming my lost territory, allowing Christ to reign in my life, and fighting for the restoration of my family members and fellow believers who have been taken captive, expanding God's kingdom. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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