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【撒上26:23-24】今日耶和华将王交在我手里,我却不肯伸手害耶和华的受膏者。耶和华必照各人的公义诚实报应他。我今日重看你的性命,愿耶和华也重看我的性命,并且拯救我脱离一切患难。”【1Sa26:23-24】The Lord rewards everyone for their righteousness and faithfulness. The Lord delivered you into my hands today, but I would not lay a hand on the Lord’s anointed. As surely as I valued your life today, so may the Lord value my life and deliver me from all trouble.”

发表于 2024-08-13

神继续加码试炼大卫,神使扫罗他们沉睡,再一次把扫罗的性命交在大卫的手里,God continued to test David, putting Saul and his men into a deep sleep and once again delivering Saul's life into David's hands.大卫完全可以杀了扫罗以除后患。.但大卫敬畏神,他清楚的知道这是考试,David could have easily killed Saul to eliminate future threats. However, David feared God and recognised this as a test.他选择了神,就算神把机会摆在他面前,他却不肯伸手害耶和华的受膏者。He chose to honour God, refusing to harm the Lord's anointed even when given the opportunity. 他看重的是神的主权,扫罗的结局如何是神的主权,他选择饶恕,选择祝福,选择看重扫罗受膏者的性命。David valued God's sovereignty, understanding that Saul's fate was in God's hands. He chose to forgive, to bless, and to respect the life of God's anointed.


大卫和扫罗是一个鲜明的对比,不同的选择带出不同的结果,David and Saul present a stark contrast, with their different choices leading to different outcomes.扫罗因嫉妒对大卫穷追不舍,置大卫于死地,自害己命,等候神公义的审判;Driven by jealousy, Saul relentlessly pursued David, seeking to kill him, ultimately leading to his own demise as he awaited God's righteous judgement. 但大卫深信神的公义,耶和华必照各人的公义诚实报应他。In contrast, David trusted in God's justice, believing that the Lord would repay each person according to their righteousness and integrity.他信靠神,爱神爱仇敌,敬畏神,把爱活在伤口,凡事讨神的喜悦,以神的心为心,在患难中被训练成合神心意的人。He trusted God, loved God and his enemies, feared God, and sought to please Him in all things. David allowed God to shape him into a man after His own heart through trials.


是的,主啊,你找我们所要的是行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心与神同行,训练我们的生命更像你。Yes, Lord, what You desire from us is to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with You, shaping our lives to be more like Yours.求主赦免我们以貌取人,轻看你的受膏者,把自己陷于不洁不义,让神国受损,让你的旨意受阻…Forgive us for judging by appearances, for despising Your anointed, and for trapping ourselves in unrighteousness, causing harm to Your kingdom and hindering Your will.如今转道,效仿大卫在急难之中以敬畏神为乐,行审判不凭眼见,断是非不凭耳闻,被骂不还口,受害不说威吓的话,只将自己交托那按公义审判人的主。We now turn and follow David's example, taking delight in fearing God in times of trouble, not judging by what we see with our eyes or decidingby what we hear with our ears, not retaliating when insulted, not threatening when suffering, but entrusting ourselves to the One who judges justly.


人岂能代替神呢,种什么就收什么,How can man take the place of God? Whatever one sows, that will they also reap.大卫给我们做了榜样,他看重受膏者的性命,神也看重他的性命,也必拯救他脱离一切患难。David set an example for us by valuing the life of the anointed, and God valued his life, delivering him from all troubles.今天,看重大卫性命的神,也同样会看重我们的性命。Today, the God who valued David's life also values our lives.当我们心单单尊主为大,放下一切的权力,倾倒自己毫无保留,在环境中只管对付自己的心,行公义在自己的身上,饶恕爱仇敌,当我们行完了神的旨意,就可以得着所应许的。When we honour the Lord alone, lay down all power, pour ourselves out without reserve, and focus on dealing with our own hearts in our circumstances—doing justice in our own lives, forgiving, and loving our enemies—then, having done the will of God, we will receive what was promised. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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