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【撒上25:32-33】大卫对亚比该说:“耶和华以色列的神是应当称颂的,因为他今日使你来迎接我。 你和你的见识也当称赞;因为你今日拦阻我亲手报仇、流人的血。【1 Samuel 25:32-33】David said to Abigail, “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, who has sent you today to meet me. May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands.

发表于 2024-08-12

大卫面对扫罗的追杀,信靠神的公义,也不代替神审判扫罗,不自己伸冤,活出了以善胜恶的生命。但是面对拿八的忘恩和羞辱,大卫被激怒了。Facing Saul's pursuit, David trusted in God's justice and did not judge Saul on God's behalf or seek justice for himself, living a life of overcoming evil with good. However, David was enraged by Nabal's ingratitude and humiliation.愤怒之中,大卫发誓要灭掉拿八家中所有的男丁。亚比该相信神给大卫的应许,有智慧有见识地拦阻大卫亲手报仇。大卫谦卑地听从了劝告。In anger, David vowed to kill all the men in Nabal's family. Abigail believed in God's promise to David and wisely and insightfully stopped him from taking revenge himself. David humbly listened to her advice.


大卫深知自己会有软弱,他曾向神祈求:求你拦阻仆人不犯任意妄为的罪,我便完全,免犯大罪。大卫被拦阻时,看到神的作为,他相信是神差人对他说话。David knew that he could be weak, and he prayed to God: "Please stop your servant from committing presumptuous sins, so that I will be perfect and free from great sins." When David was stopped, he saw what God did and believed that God had sent someone to speak to him.大卫从愤怒中回转过来。神不仅拦阻大卫行恶犯罪,更是为他伸冤。神击打拿八,按公义审判了恶人。哈利路亚,神是应当称颂的。David turned back from his anger. God not only stopped David from committing evil and sinning, but also avenged him. God struck Nabal and judged the wicked according to righteousness. Hallelujah, God should be praised.


在年老的时候,大卫回顾自己的经历,在诗篇37中说:当止住怒气、离弃忿怒,不要心怀不平、以致作恶。当默然倚靠耶和华、耐性等候他…In his old age, David reflected on his experiences and said in Psalm 37: " Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;do not fret—it leads only to evil. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him..."大卫在信靠神的饶恕和放手交托中,更深明白神的心意,成为合神心意的人。主啊,当我心怀不平,正要发怒时,求你让我想起大卫的祷告,行他所行的…David understood God's will more deeply and became a person after God's own heart by trusting in God's forgiveness and letting go. Lord, when I am angry and on the verge of losing my temper, please help me remember David's prayer and follow his example...


主啊,求你拦阻我一切的妄行,救我脱离罪恶。求你赐我谦卑的心,接受身边人的纠正,使我停住辩解,否定自己的对错判断,回转到你面前,与基督的心对版,定意除去自己的骄傲、自义、愤怒、仇恨、报复…Lord, please stop all my reckless actions and save me from sin. Please give me a humble heart to accept the correction of those around me, so that I can stop making excuses, deny my own judgments of right and wrong, turn back to you, and align my heart with Christ's. Help me to be determined to remove my pride, self-righteousness, anger, hatred, and desire for revenge.使我因信你的公义和信实,不自己伸冤,不轻易发怒,操练饶恕、爱人,作有见识的智慧人。Because of my faith in your justice and faithfulness, I will not seek justice for myself, will not get angry easily, and will practice forgiveness and love, striving to be a wise person with insight. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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