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【撒上24:15】愿耶和华在你我中间施行审判,断定是非,并且鉴察,为我伸冤,救我脱离你的手。【1 Samuel 24:15】'May the Lord be our judge and decide between us. May he consider my cause and uphold it; may he vindicate me by delivering me from your hand.” '

发表于 2024-08-11

扫罗再次带着三千精兵返回来追杀大卫,阵势庞大,Saul returned with 3,000 elite soldiers to hunt down David again. The battle was immense.大卫再次面临一个新的考试,大卫在洞中有机会杀扫罗的时候,却没有下手杀他,而是割下扫罗外袍的衣襟,David faced a new test once more. When David had the opportunity to kill Saul in the cave, he chose not to, but instead cut off a corner of Saul's outer robe.大卫也为此自责,并以不可伤害耶和华的受膏者为由,阻止同行的人对扫罗的伤害。David also reproached himself for this and prevented his companions from harming Saul, asserting that the Lord’s anointed should not be touched.大卫敬畏神,凡事以神为他的主权,听命于神,神不动他就不动,完全心尊主为大,把神放在第一位。David feared God and acknowledged Him as sovereign in all things. He obeyed God and did not act unless God directed him. He honoured the Lord completely and put God first.


面对要把他至于死地的扫罗,大卫屈身脸伏于地下拜,而且称他为父,把自己比成虼蚤、死狗,Confronted by Saul, who sought his death, David bowed with his face to the ground and addressed him as father, comparing himself to a flea and a dead dog.他完全顺服神所量给他的权柄,纵然被苦害、冤枉、逼迫、颠沛流离,生命受到威胁,他的心里只有主和主的公义。把伸冤的主权交在神手中,He fully submitted to the authority granted to him by God. Even though he was persecuted, wronged, and his life was threatened, he held only the Lord and His righteousness in his heart, leaving justice in God’s hands.愿耶和华在你我中间施行审判,断定是非,并且鉴察,为我伸冤,救我脱离你的手。He prayed, “May the Lord judge between you and me, and examine, avenge me, and save me from your hands.”


大卫看重和神的关系胜于一切,出于神的他就默然不语。David valued his relationship with God above all else and remained silent when it came from God.扫罗与他为敌以报他爱,但他专心祈祷,以爱相待,Saul became his enemy in response to his love, but David prayed earnestly and treated him with kindness.神来监察断定是非,深知神才是那真正的审判者。He understood that God was the true judge of right and wrong.求主赦免我的罪,信的迟钝,当神在训练我生命更像你的时候,我却吃了分辨善恶树的果子,Lord, please forgive my sins and the slowness of my faith. As God trained my life to resemble Christ’s, I have eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.到了环境就去讲理由对错,不能被否定,In difficult situations, I reasoned about right and wrong and struggled to accept it.计算人的恶,不能懂父的心,错过了太多生命被更新的机会,让圣灵担忧了。I calculated people’s evil and failed to understand the Father’s heart, missing many opportunities for renewal and grieving the Holy Spirit.


主啊,你因爱我们,用自己的血救我们脱离罪恶,并要领许多的儿子进到荣耀里去,我们岂能再为自己活呢?Lord, because you love us, you saved us from sin with your own blood and will lead many sons into glory. How can we live for ourselves any longer?全然将自己献上当作活祭,由你来支配。主啊,为着神国的复兴,神国的荣耀,求你不停止对我们的塑造。We should offer ourselves completely as a living sacrifice and let you take control. For the revival and glory of the Kingdom of God, please continue to shape us.在试炼面前,交出主权,不再自己伸冤,宁可让步,专心祈祷,效仿我主的良善、公义,心尊主为大,只为荣耀你,只愿成就主的旨意,向仇敌夸胜!In the face of trials, I yield my rights, refraining from vengeance, choosing instead to pray earnestly, imitating Your goodness and righteousness, exalting You above all, seeking only to glorify You, and to fulfill Your will, that we might triumph over the enemy!(郭姊妹 Sister Guo)


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