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【撒上24:6】对跟随他的人说:“我的主乃是耶和华的受膏者,我在耶和华面前万不敢伸手害他,因他是耶和华的受膏者。”【1 Samuel24:6 】 He said to his men, “The LORD forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the LORD ’s anointed, or lay my hand on him; for he is the anointed of the LORD .”

发表于 2024-08-09

在那么多的山洞中,扫罗进到大卫躲藏的山洞中。In the midst of so many caves, Saul entered the very cave where David was hiding. 跟随大卫的人说,神应许把你的仇敌交在你手里。David's followers said, "The Lord promised to deliver your enemy into your hands." 我们的天然人会认为:这是神赐的大好机会,趁机快快除掉对方!Our natural inclination might be to see this as a God-given opportunity to quickly eliminate the adversary. 然而大卫深知扫罗是耶和华的受膏者,他活在神面前,敬畏神,万不敢伸手去害扫罗,也阻止跟随他的人去杀扫罗。However, David knew that Saul was the Lord’s anointed. He lived in the presence of God, feared God, and would not dare to harm Saul, even restraining his followers from doing so.

纵然扫罗一次次追杀大卫,大卫在逃亡中,放下苦毒、仇恨、报复的权利。Even though Saul pursued David repeatedly, David, while fleeing, set aside bitterness, hatred, and the right to revenge. 他服在神所设立的权柄之下,看重扫罗的性命。He submitted to the authority established by God and valued Saul’s life. 大卫深信神是公义的审判者,定意等候神的时间,等候神来伸冤,决不自己动手,替神作主。David was deeply convinced that God is a righteous judge and resolved to wait for God's timing, waiting for God to avenge him, refusing to take matters into his own hands. 多年等候之后,他成为以色列的王,更成为合神心意,被神大大称赞的人。After many years of waiting, he became the king of Israel and was greatly commended by God as a man after His own heart.

在试验之中,大卫因着信,效法了耶稣的脚踪,活出了爱仇敌的生命。In the midst of trials, David, through faith, followed in the footsteps of Jesus, manifesting a life that loved his enemy. 主耶稣,神的受膏者,被不信祂的罪人杀害,祂却替罪人祈求,为罪人而死,成就救赎的恩典。The Lord Jesus, the anointed of God, was killed by those who did not believe in Him, yet He prayed for the sinners and died for them, accomplishing the grace of redemption. 主啊,求你赦免我,信自己,如神一样审判人,背逆、不服神所设立的权柄,就是与神为仇,自己也失去权柄,被魔鬼欺压…Lord, forgive me for relying on myself, judging others as if I were God, rebelling against and not submitting to the authority established by God, which is enmity against God, causing me to lose authority and be oppressed by the devil.

主,你必照各人所行的施行审判,我需要交自己的账。Lord, You will judge each person according to their deeds, and I need to give an account for myself. 主,你是治理全地的大君王,我当回到自己的本位,弃绝受害者的心态,相信这是你在塑造我的生命。Lord, You are the King who rules over all the earth, and I should return to my proper place, rejecting the mindset of a victim, believing that You are shaping my life through this. 主啊,帮助我,效法大卫,活在你的面前,尊重顺服神所设立的权柄,操练忍耐、等候、饶恕、爱人…活出耶稣的生命,使身边的人也与神和好。Lord, help me to follow David’s example, living in Your presence, respecting and obeying the authority established by God, practicing patience, waiting, forgiveness, and love—living out the life of Jesus so that those around me may also be reconciled to God. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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