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【撒上23:14】大卫住在旷野的山寨里,常在西弗旷野的山地。扫罗天天寻索大卫,神却不将大卫交在他手里。【1 Samuel 23:14】 David stayed in the wilderness strongholds and in the hills of the Desert of Ziph. Day after day Saul searched for him, but God did not give David into his hands.

发表于 2024-08-07

大卫为躲避扫罗的追杀,常在旷野的山寨里。神厌弃扫罗作王,但是扫罗仍是以色列的王。扫罗天天寻索大卫,定意要消灭大卫,神却不将大卫交在他手里。To avoid being hunted by Saul, David often stayed in a stronghold in the wilderness. God rejected Saul as king, but Saul was still the king of Israel. Saul searched for David every day and was determined to destroy him, but God did not hand David over to him.再次看到惹事的根乃在乎神。神若不许可,扫罗用尽一切办法也无法杀大卫。神允许扫罗不断去追杀大卫,为要塑造大卫成为以色列的王。Once again, we can see that the root of the trouble lies in God. If God did not allow it, Saul would not be able to kill David no matter what he did. God allowed Saul to continue hunting David in order to shape David into the king of Israel.


在一次次的危险中,大卫没有抱怨神,没有恼恨扫罗。在军兵四面环绕时,他能够满有信心,毫不惧怕地宣告:耶和华是我的亮光,是我的拯救,是我性命的保障,我还惧谁呢?In the face of danger after danger, David did not complain to God or hate Saul. When surrounded by soldiers, he was able to declare with confidence and fearlessness: The Lord is my light, my salvation, and the guarantee of my life. Whom shall I fear?大卫凡事寻求神,更深信靠神,经历神无数次的医治和拯救。他说,我要唱诗歌颂耶和华!赞美他的话,必常在我口中。David sought God in everything and trusted in Him more deeply. He experienced God's healing and salvation countless times. He said, I will sing songs to the Lord! The words of praise to Him will always be in my mouth.


神的旨意何等良善,人凭自己判断善恶,又怎能明白呢?一切都是出于神。若没有神的许可,我们一根头发也不能掉在地上。神掌管万有。How good is God's will!How can people understand it by judging good and evil by themselves? Everything comes from God. Without God's permission, not even a hair of ours can fall to the ground. God controls everything.主啊,生命在你手中,我的一生在你手中,还有什么好惧怕的!在各种不如己意的环境中,我宣告相信:你永远良善!你的旨意美好!改变我的心,更像你。Lord, life is in your hands, my whole life is in your hands, what else is there to fear! In all kinds of circumstances that are not what I want, I declare that I believe: You are always good! Your will is beautiful! Change my heart to be more like yours.



Heavenly Father, thank you and praise you. Since you did not spare your Son and gave him up for us, what else would you not give us? Lord, thank you for the environment you tailored for me, specifically designed to remove the Adamic nature in me and make me partake in the glorious nature of God!主啊,在这黑暗的时代,你是教会的元首,你永远掌权!求你复兴我们,因信凡事求问你,尊你为大,照你旨意而行,活出神的智慧和荣耀!Lord, in this dark age, you are the head of the church, and you are in power forever! Please revive us, ask for everything by faith, honour you, do according to your will, and live out the wisdom and glory of God!(付传道Pastor Fu)


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