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【撒上23:12】大卫又说:“基伊拉人将我和跟随我的人交在扫罗手里不交?”耶和华说:“必交出来。”【1Sa23:12】Again David asked, “Will the citizens of Keilah surrender me and my men to Saul?” And the Lord said, “They will.”

发表于 2024-08-06

大卫一生最明显的特点就是凡事求问耶和华,每一步都问,只信神说的,他知道人的意念是虚妄的。David's most notable characteristic throughout his life was seeking the Lord’s counsel in all matters. He consulted God at every step, believing only in what God said, knowing that human thoughts are futile.大卫自己虽在窘迫之中,当他听到非利士人攻击基伊拉,抢夺禾场,他心存使命,并没有选择自保,而是奋不顾身,以神的心为心,爱同胞胜于爱自己,Despite being in distress himself, when he heard that the Philistines were attacking Keilah and stealing grain, he felt a sense of mission. He did not choose self-preservation but instead acted selflessly, aligning his heart with God's, loving his fellow countrymen more than himself.不靠自己争战,而是去求问耶和华,耶和华对他说,你可以去攻打非利士人,拯救基伊拉。He did not rely on his own strength in battle but sought the Lord’s guidance. The Lord told him to go and attack the Philistines and save Keilah.


照着神的应许,大卫出兵攻打非利士人,尽管跟随他的人信心消化,大卫没有因环境而退缩,再次的信靠,使他大获全胜。According to God's promise, David set out to attack the Philistines. Despite the lack of faith among his followers, David did not retreat because of the circumstances. His renewed trust in God led to a great victory.考试仍在继续,有人告诉扫罗,大卫进入基伊拉…扫罗要去攻击他…大卫知道这事,没有说一句怨神怨人的话,The tests continued: someone told Saul that David had entered Keilah, and Saul planned to attack him. Knowing this, David did not complain against God or people but sought the Lord's guidance again.而是又求问主,扫罗来不来…神基伊拉人把我交在他手里不交?神说必交出来。大卫和跟随他的人就起身出了基伊拉。He asked if Saul would come and if the people of Keilah would surrender him. God said they would. So David and his men left Keilah.


主啊,认识你名的人知道惹事的根在乎你,出于你的就默然无语,Lord, those who know Your name understand that trouble’s root is in You, and those things that come from You remain unspoken.大卫凡事求问神,信靠神,让我们学到了宝贵的功课。David sought God’s counsel in all things, trusting in Him, teaching us a valuable lesson.求主更新我们的思想,不再吃分辨善恶树的果子,一遇到难处,心就消化,自保、埋怨责怪、发怒、恨神恨人、自遭倒霉,Please renew our minds, so we no longer consume the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, becoming discouraged in difficulties, seeking self-preservation, complaining, blaming, becoming angry, hating God and people, and bringing misfortune upon ourselves.如今转道,效仿大卫凡事求问,真相信出于神的都是好的,我们所面对的不是他人如何,而是我们跟神交账。Instead, let us imitate David, seeking God’s counsel in all things, truly believing that everything from God is good. Our focus should not be on others but on our accountability to God.


主啊,你救我们不救你自己,大卫救他的同胞不救他自己,Lord, You saved us but did not save Yourself. David saved his countrymen but did not save himself.因这份毫不保留的爱,流血牺牲的爱,把爱活在伤口的爱,只愿神旨意成就的爱,感动我们的心,This unreserved love, the sacrificial love, the love that lives in wounds, the love that desires only to fulfil God’s will, touches our hearts.为神国的复兴,为你名的荣耀,求你复兴燃烧我们,For the revival of God's kingdom and for the glory of Your name, please revive and ignite us.效仿那些属灵人为主冒死前行,爱你不爱自己,Let us follow the example of those spiritual people who risked their lives for the Lord, loving You more than ourselves.无论何时、何事,都因信,尊主为大,将目光定睛在神那里,凡事求问神,完全顺服,经历生命的奇迹讨主喜悦。In all times and all things, may we, by faith, honour the Lord, fix our eyes on God, seek His counsel in everything, fully obey, experience the miracles of life, and please the Lord. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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